
Custom/Fanmade Lenticular Justice League Slipbox

A little earlier than planned but what with Ninja Week fast approaching this needs doing now ;)
This is a Group Buy for limited edition Justice League custom lenticular slipbox made by myself.
There will be maximum of 100 of each made (combined with single GBs) and numbered and once the GB closes there will be very limited numbers still available.
Will be available to be combined with the remaining slipbox GB's (that I plan to add to here later)
Some of you will have already seen the vids and pics of these but here they are again just in case.

Justice League (single lenti)

Justice League (double lenti upgrade)
If you are looking to upgrade to the Justice League double lenti then you need to join the Justice League double lenti GB here AS WELL as this one.

Also keep an eye out for the normal ‘extras’ PM off @Drum18 and if you don’t receive it PM me before the GB closes ;)

Members who ordered both in the previous WW/Spidey GB will get same numbers as they did in that GB if they so wish. Those who ordered one or the other, as there will be 2 members with those numbers, will be first to post with their number gets it. Members who did not join the other GB will get numbers randomly picked from what is left.
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Reactions: CollectorEmtee
Physical product
12.42 GBP
First release
Last update
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  1. shipping this weekend

    Just stickers and packing to do :D
  2. They're here

  3. Lenti's on the way