#016 Labyrinth (Mondo Blu-ray SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


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Aug 6, 2010
Release date: February 8, 2016
Purchase link: Labyrinth

Exclusive HDN article - read more here


#016 in the Mondo x Steelbook line is LABYRINTH! With Art by Todd Slater




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Love the film, but hate the artwork - ordered anyway :)

Just wondering why there's a silhouette of a giant c*ck pointing at Sarah's face on the front ???

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Love the film, but hate the artwork - ordered anyway :)

Just wondering why there's a silhouette of a giant c*ck pointing at Sarah's face on the front ???


That's the Goblin King's hand holding the crystal ball haha
No, not seen it yet, thought bought together with "The Dark Crystal" in one of those 2 for 10 quid promotions on Amazon not too long ago.
Regarding the Escher "rip" - on second thoughts maybe I should have written "Happy to be see a work by one of my favourite artists represented as steelbook artwork".

Apparently "Hand with Reflecting Sphere" (coincidentally my current avatar) by M.C. Escher was the inspiration for the idea of the Goblin King's (Jareth's) magic crystals i.e. the inspiration for the mirror properties of the crystals and their power to show reflections of dreams (according to Wikipedia that is).

EDIT 3/12: As my knowledge of Mondo steelbooks is limited by never having owned one and to pics of the forthcoming two I am not in the best position compared to those of you that already have examples.
Despite that, I can see that they look very far removed from regular U.K. steelbooks and that a lot of thought has gone into them - from the specially commissioned artwork by respected artists for the externals (and the internals?) to the lovely art on the discs themselves not forgetting the translucent slipcovers with cleverly places decorative touches which add an extra ingredient to the mix.
Although No.016 may not be the pick of the bunch I for one am VERY GRATEFUL FOR AND HAPPY ABOUT these releases and look forward to the gaps being filled so that a proper collection can be built up with some really fine eamples no doubt being amongst the very best U.K. steelbooks since steelbooks were first released here in 2008
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Hopefully Zavvi will have better Mondo releases than this. The movie I'll never watch again absolute rubbish imo...
The artwork OK but with the recent Mondo releases this not as good. Hoping looks better in hand than showing in the pictures.
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I've been holding off buying the bluray since, well, since the bluray was released, purely because I hoped there would be a steelbook with the original poster art. Ideally, white with the poster art on the front and that classy photo of the two leads on the back. I think it's time to accept defeat and just get the amaray.
love the movie, have wanted a steel of it for a while, but dissapointed with the art. It just doesn't connect with the feel of the movie.I'd just rather have had artwork that quintessentially summed up the movie and the eighties nostalgia, big trouble and little China and they live are perfect examples of how to please your market.

This art would have been far nicer for a steelbook, sums up the film, 'feels' like the film, total connect with the audience. Imagine this on a cream steelbook, gloss and with the title debossed. Would be a must have. As it is this is a 'maybe'.

The point of the release is to showcase the Mondo Art associated with the film. If you don't like it then just wait for the regular release.
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I think that if they release a Mondo or Pop-art steel they should also release a "standard" art steelbook at the same time for people that don't like these these types of design.

Personally I can't stand them, it feels like a waste of a release each time I see one.

Why would they release a non-Mondo art steelbook? Think about it. The purpose of the Mondo X line is to showcase a Mondo Art. Why on earth should they waste their time to release a non-Mondo art steelbook? People who don't prefer the Mondo X line should just look elsewhere for a different release.
The point of the release is to showcase the Mondo Art associated with the film. If you don't like it then just wait for the regular release.

I doubt there will be a regular steelbook release of it though, I think that's why some of us feel a bit dissapointed, as such a cult classic (and steelbook collectors) it's only natural any fan of the movie will want a steel of it. Most steelbook collectors I'd wager collect their favourite films rather than by studio or design style (though I'm aware there are some that do) it's just that when it's likely the only release of a much loved film likely to happen, it kinda gutting. Even if I was a mondo collector I'd still be dissapointed with the art, for such a vibrant and colourful film it just feels kinda drab, just my opinion!
Great movie. Not so great Steel. For a Mondo Steelbook this could have been much better. There are so many great motivs in the movie. Missed opportunity. I will wait for a price drop.

Awesome movie:woot:, one of my favourite childhood movies:drool: and i agree with you. The artwork is not so good (n)like other Mondo steebooks (example Dredd, Flash Gordon etc) and maybe i will wait to see a price drop or maybe another release

love the movie, have wanted a steel of it for a while, but dissapointed with the art. It just doesn't connect with the feel of the movie.I'd just rather have had artwork that quintessentially summed up the movie and the eighties nostalgia, big trouble and little China and they live are perfect examples of how to please your market.

This art would have been far nicer for a steelbook, sums up the film, 'feels' like the film, total connect with the audience. Imagine this on a cream steelbook, gloss and with the title debossed. Would be a must have. As it is this is a 'maybe'.

Totally agree with you :thumbs:

@chunk are you seeing this :naughty::whistle:
So, I am not the only one with those feelings about the Cover. The movie has a somewhat dark mood but it is still a Film for Children. And my memories are pure positive. So why not a positive motive with all the great Charakters of the movies? Maybe in a Tyler Stout way (Even I am not a huge Fan of him).
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