Andy Murray plays PS3...too much


beer snob
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Feb 16, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
Like another famous athlete, British tennis star Andy Murray has been having relationship problems of late. Unlike Tiger Woods, Murray hasn't been spending too much time with other women, however. He's been spending too much time on his Playstation.

Murray, the No. 4 ranked player in the world, was dumped by his long-time girlfriend Kim Sears due, in part, to the fact that he spent up to seven hours a day playing video games.

The Telegraph reports:

Sources close to Sears said one of the causes [of the breakup] was the world number four's long hours playing video tennis and PlayStation 3 games such as the best selling Call of Duty sequel.

Brad Gilbert, Murray's former coach, has said in the past that Murray spends "seven hours a day" playing video games.

The source told The Sun: "He would spend all his time glued to them. In the end she just got fed up with it. She wanted more out of the relationship."

Most guys who play seven hours of video games per day don't even know what a real woman looks like*, let alone dates one as gorgeous as Kim Sears. I'd think this is an inspiring tale to the video game generation. Sure, it seems crazy that Murray would play more with his PS3 than his girlfriend but, come on, have you seen Modern Warfare 2? (Have you, because I have no clue what it is.)

I'm also fascinated by the fact Murray plays tennis video games. You'd think the last thing he'd want to do after a day of training is sit down and play pretend tennis. But, hey, with Federer still truckin', that might be the only way Andy Murray is going to win a major.

* -- "Says the blogger who hasn't left his mother's basement since Thanksgiving!" (I'm saving you the trouble of having to write that in the comments.)

this kid just got cooler to me