FYE Harry Potter DH2

Actually the word I used was unique, not exclusive. But since you mention it, if you go to walmart, bestbuy, and amazon (not target since they have their own cover) they all have the 3 disk versions showing Harry, Ron, and Hermonie on the cover with Harry firing his wand. The FYE version has the villains on the cover with Voldemort firing his wand. So I don't think it's the regular slipcover.
Part 2 will have a lenticular slipcover. So if you move the slipcover for side to side it will change the image from Harry, Ron, and Hermonie to the villains.
because FYE is just showing you the villain side of the lenticular cover apparently. SO you were correct and I stand corrected
I don't think you are understanding my post. It's cool though. We'll find out on release day. ;)

Actually I dont think you understand his term of "I Stand Corrected" heh.

Because that means "You are right and correct."