Iron Man 2 (G1 Blu-ray SteelBook) (Amazon Exclusive) [Japan]


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Just went up for pre-order - release date is 10/22/10.


Meh, looks G1 sized to me.


Japan BDs are always VERY pricey. :(
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Just went up for pre-order - release date is 10/22/10.


Meh, looks G1 sized to me.


Japan BDs are always VERY pricey. :(

It seems Steelbook is reverting to G1 sized blus. I wanted a FNAC Clash until mams let me know it was G1. And now 3 or 4 new German G1s. I really hope this is not the trend. I'm sorry, but I would rather have a G2 IronPak than a G1 steel.:(:angry:
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Yeah, I think they just reused the art for the Spanish DVD release - you can see DVD on the spine.

Real artwork to come, I hope - looks like this is going to be really limited - I was only able to order 1 copy due to limits. EEK!
Wondering if I should get this one too. Only one copy per order? Hmm. What if it comes damaged? I wouldn't be a happy camper, that's for sure.
Wow! 70 US Dollars for this?! I'll pass!

Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab

Considering how fast Terminator 2.0 sold out, and what it currently fetches... ($170+), I'd rather get in on this one now.

But in terms of cost, I'll probably order a couple of other things to even this out.

Just an FYI for anyone else ordering - they deliver via fedex express, so you'll get your package in about 2 days, but you might have to pay fees to fedex to clear it through customs...and potentially duty to the US government.