Motorola's Atrix 4G coming to AT&T on March 6th for $200

Apr 2, 2009


Don't ever say Ma Bell lacks cahones. On the same day that existing Verizon customers began pre-ordering the CDMA'd iPhone 4, AT&T has come clean with what's next on America's largest GSM network. While announced at CES 2011, pricing and release information had eluded the luscious Atrix 4G... until now, that is. AT&T will begin pre-sales for the Froyo-powered Motorola Atrix 4G Android superphone on February 13th, with the standard $199.99 + two-year contract ($50 more than we were led to believe, mind you) getting one into your grubby mitts. We're told to expect general availability on March 6th "or earlier," putting it just about in line with the date we'd heard rumored. Moreover, those looking to buy will should have a difficult time laying off of the Laptop Dock bundle, which nets you an Atrix 4G as well as a $499.99 dock for the grand total of $499.99 on contract. You heard right -- those who opt to buy the dock at a later time will be asked to shell out five Benjamins, whereas that same tally on day one will also include the phone. It should be noted, however, that the bundle only applies if you also sign your name to a Data Pro plan and tethering add-on, so be sure you're down for that monthly hit before committing in haste. Oh, and just in case you simply can't stop spending, the carrier is also offering an Entertainment Access Kit for Atrix 4G customers which includes the Motorola HD Multimedia Dock, a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and a remote control for $189.99.

this should be the phone to beat for a little while. who's buying?
i'm not the one to have a phone fetish ,I'm amazed they keep getting faster with the G4 network's now a day's :/ if really wanted something faster it would be my home internet then a mobile phone..long as it call's and doesn't drop calls I'm happy with texting too.
Got some of the Atrix in at work the other day and got some hands on time. This little guy is pretty fast. Its about the same size as an iphone but more screen less bezel. the biometric unlock is awesome too.
Got some of the Atrix in at work the other day and got some hands on time. This little guy is pretty fast. Its about the same size as an iphone but more screen less bezel. the biometric unlock is awesome too.
Yeah, pretty much all i wish my iphone 4 had that it doesn't have, is a biometric lock.