Ninja Tip - New General / Collectible Group Buy rules


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
The following rules taken from the steelbook group buy forum have been added.

From today going forward, any NEW group buy will be subject to the HDN group buy fee structure - all costs and fees are expected to be passed on to members who benefit from this service.

We do not expect group buy hosts to pay these costs themselves.

12) Effective for all items shipped from GROUP BUY HOSTS November 15th, 2012 and on, a $10 fee per group buy and $1 per Steelbook sold applies for all Group Buys. The contributions are used for the increasing site/maintenance costs, and adding new features to the site. Since purchasing some of these international Steelbooks would be significantly more expensive if purchased on other marketplaces, the Group Buy fees have been kept to a minimum to meet the needs of both Group Buyers and minimize costs for members. The $10 is payable upon opening a thread. $1 per steelbook is payable upon steelbook delivery to the group buy host.

13. It is required that all group buy hosts maintain a LIST of all participating members in some capacity that is viewable by staff members or trading moderators. This may include, but is not limited to: a shared google document, a list in the original post of the group buy thread, or a list presented in some other format accessible to HDN staff.