The Hunt For Gollum (HD version)

Apr 27, 2009
A group of incredibly proactive dork- er, Lord of the Rings enthusiasts, recently shot a 40-minute, high-definition film in North Wales with an all-volunteer crew of 150.

Called The Hunt for Gollum, the film is the work of 150 volunteers, says director Chris Bouchard. “We’re essentially a bunch of fans and enthusiast filmmakers,” says Bouchard, who has put two years into the project. He made up the plot, which focuses on a search to find the deranged Gollum. The fear is that the wizened creature might reveal the whereabouts of the magic ring to the powers of darkness.

Fred Von Lohman, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, says it’s not really clear whether Bouchard and his crew of volunteers are in violation of the copyright for Tolkien’s work. Von Lohman says fans have always written their own stories based on TV shows and movies. That’s legal. But a high-quality movie available over the Internet ['The Hunt for Gollum' is set to premiere on DailyMotion this Sunday] could change the game.

For trailer:

For movie(debut May 3, 2009):

watch it now. who knows, could be taken off?
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i dont like lord of the rings, which makes me a bad geek i guess. But these people are crazy, i guess it happens.