The weekend following right after its debut, Dolphin Tale in 3-D had already topped the box office chart. Now that the second weekend has passed, the film still remains at the number one spot of the box office. Despite of the fact that there was a 26% drop in the film’s original success, yet being a family favorite, the film managed to earn $14.2 million by the end of the second weekend. This PG-rated film was given an A+ rating by CinemaScore. After performing so excellently after both weekends, the film earned a gross total of $37.5 million.
Moneyball from Sony, starring Brad Pitt, is another film that maintained its position at the box with its second weekend. The film had ranked at the second spot upon its debut and retained its second place after earning $12.5 million, this second weekend. By the end of the second weekend the film managed to earn a gross total of $38.5 million, making it a film that is worth watching this fall.
After being re-released in 3D, The Lion King by Disney had topped the box office for two consecutive weekends. While the film has now dropped to the third spot in the box office, it still managed to earn $11 million, adding up to a total earnings of $79.6 million as the third weekend came to an end.
Falling below Lion King, the fourth place in the box office got taken over by the debut film 50/50 by Summit Entertainment that stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen.