For Batman Day this year, DC Comics has created two new comic book covers exclusively for Baltimore Comic Con. The issues are BATMAN #44 with cover art by Jock and HARLEY QUINN #20 with cover art by Amanda Conner. They’ll be available from Graphitti Designs all weekend at booth #2006 and 2007.
DC is also doing a panel of some classic creators and artists that includes Scott Snyder (Batman), Peter Tomasi (Detective Comics, Robin War), Greg Pak (Batman/Superman), Jimmy Palmiotti (Harley Quinn, Harley’s Little Black Book), Tom King (Grayson, Robin War), and James Tynion IV (Batman & Robin Eternal). It will be held in rooms 339-342 on Saturday, September 26th at 2:45pm ET.
Co-written by Scott Snyder and Brian Azzarello, this oversized issue with cover by guest artist JOCK flashes back and spotlights a case from Batman’s past (Bruce Wayne), investigating a case in The Narrows that leads to the story behind the origin of the current enemy of James “Bat-Gordon,” Mr. Bloom!
Co-written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti with art by John Timms and a cover by Amanda Conner.
They say that everyone gets 15 minutes of fame. But what happens when Harley Quinn comes to Tinseltown? Smog, earthquakes, traffic, and now Harley??? Los Angeles just got a whole lot more interesting…