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Jun 3, 2010
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[Ninja Week!] Free Ninja Subscription + Surprise Gift!!!!!

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Answer me this:

If you were able to make a foreign film, what country would it be from and what would the plot be?

Most creative answer wins. :movie:
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Sweden and it would be about this young(ish) new film director who goes to errrr Sweden to make his first ever film and after much hilarity and mishaps ends up snowed in at a log cabin in the forest with 3, yes 3, former Miss Sweden's, but unbeknown to them there is 'something' in the woods, anyway, the film director heads out to find some wood for the fire and..........the credits roll and the screen pans back to reveal it was actually a kangaroo and not a turtle after all!!!! :)
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Im Mexican and I live in Germany so I will chose Germany and the movie would be about two adolescents facing the "end of the world" locked in a small room on december 21 2012, they remember everything they live together since they meet, they face their problems, their fears of not living any longer and they say to each other awful truths they did not knew about them... just to find out the world did not end after all!
If I had the money and the power, I would definitely make a movie in Japan, and it would be a live "Kōtetsu Jeeg" movie, with real actors and CG, and the story mixed from a few episodes of the anime.


mine would be Brazil.

Archaeologists are looking for the lost city of gold ,rumoured to be somewhere deep in the middle of the amazonian rainforest, with dangers such as wild beasts, cannabal tribes and corrupted polticains involed in the mining and destroying of the rainforests heart. They turn on each other one by one, in the due to what will be there greatest and deadliest discovery.

(P.S. It's the real body of Richard III Joking)
New Guinea and a remake of Eaten Alive. Story? Well, people etaing people! :)
I'd film mine in Neverland - it would be a political struggle between a boy that never grows up and Michael Jackson who is trying to sue the young boy for infringing copyright by using the name of his ranch, only to be caught up in a legal game of cat and mouse as Jackson and the Jury go head to head to try and prove how old the young boy actually is and determine the outcome of the case...
Russia, the film would be a crossover of US and UK spy/assassin franchises where Bourne and Bond finally cross paths. Obviously the timelines and backstory need to line up. The plot could surround Bond being one of Bournes targets because Bond is going to expose Treadstone as the illegal black ops organization it is. Epic chase scenes and fights conclude with the two collaborating for one purpose but I don't want to spoil the ending
"die Turnhalle"

My foriegn film would be intitled, "Gym"
Genre/Film: Horror/Dark Comedy
Feel: 80s Slasher films

This would take place in Germany, and the story would be about an overweight and bullied kid named "Jim" who grows up to become a Richard Simmons 'type' fitness guru wannabe who is mistakeningly murdered by his childhood bullies as an adult in his 'Gym'. The spirit of 'Jim' never rest and he combacks as a steriod induced entity and takes his cardio aided, undie(t)ing vengeance out on the athletic children of the bullies who murdered him. Jim can now control and enter any dietary or fitness aids; including athletic shoes, heath foods, weights, treadmills, pills, videos and of course, Gymnasiums.


Whatever they use 'Jim' will abuse. Final tagline, "Jim will be EXERCISING his demons!" summer 2014 :scat:

Thanks for the chance and I really enjoyed writing this on the spot!​
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Country - Australia
Cast - Jason Statham and Jessica Biel
Story - While on a top secret mission down under 2 MI5 agents cross pathes while trying to eliminate a target, they both screw up the first attempt because of each other and they battle to get the target. While doing this they have a little bit of hanky panky :naughty: and work together, by this time the target has got all his crew together and the hunted becomes the hunter. So everyone is after each other, gun fights, car chases, a lil bit of sex and obv the good guys win and they live happily ever after.... well until the sequel.
Well, for me, there has only been one I have wondered about.

I have yet to see a Russian movie been made about two of their greatest accomplishments. Namely the launch of the first satellite in space, the Sputnik 1 in 1957 followed by Yuri Gagarin's amazing 108 minute flight on April 12, 1961 becoming the first human in outer space orbiting the Earth. Combining both elements in one movie would be a proud achievement in Russia's history.

Above all, it would capture the essense of the space race from a point of view other than the U.S.
An old fantasy novel writer decides to write one more book before he retires and he wants to write his own autobiography. He needs more material to finish his book so he decides to tour England to get more life experiences. One day as he was hiking he came across a collapsed bridge and heard someone trapped underneath it. As he cleared the rubble he finds out that it isn't a person at all but it's actually a troll. The writer is astonished to find out trolls are actually real and realized that the creature could have been invaluable in writing his fantasy novels but it's no help at all in writing his autobiography. In fact, if he did write about the troll in his autobiography people would think he was crazy and he would become a laughingstock. Deciding that the troll would ruin his career he tries to leave the troll behind and go on his way. However, the troll explains to him that he now has a life debt to the writer for saving his life and is obligated to follow and protect him. Continuing on his way, The writer tries to have deep and meaningful experiences as he travels England for his book but the troll always finds a way to mess up his adventures. I call it "Stop Trolling Me".
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My movie would be set in Russia. I had this idea for a long time now. I remember seeing a movie where the murder meapon was an icicle. The only thing at the murder scene was a puddle of water.
Well the story starts out where a Nuclear plant where a scientist is working with radiation, something happens with the experiment and freezes a nearby glass of water. Forgetting about it, he leaves. The glass cracks, and water starts puddling. Another Scientist enters the room steps in the water not even noticing. Stands there, all of a sudden a look of pain shows on her face, as icicles start shooting out all through her body ripping her apart. Then it would just go on from there as water is moved from one place to the other.
Germany - A horror interpretation of Heinz, an American of German decent, and his ketchup venture. What can I say, I'm an addict! There'd be murders on every street and all the blood effects would use ketchup. :p
Okay so I'll give one more idea. :)

It would be great to see a foreign film set in Romania during the 15th Century foretelling the story of Vlad the Impaler.

Infamous for impaling his enemies and being part of the house of Dracul, Vlad was responsible for the death of tens of thousands of victims.

A dark history but a vital one if one sees a part of the inspiration Bram Stoker received in creating his unforgettable novel, Dracula.
mine would be a set in the usa titled - A Yorkshire Man in New York.
coming through customs at jfk airport i suddenly get stopped by a customs officer, he enquires what i have in my luggage, i reply that i have brought a few home comforts, the officer proceeds to open my case only to find 10 flat caps, 2 wippets, 4 cans of bitter and a sandwich box full of mucky fat sandwiches.....these are siezed immedietly and the dogs are impounded. i leave the airport and ask the taxi driver if he,d take 2 quid and drop me of at the nearest boozer but has no clue what i,m talking about and is insulted by my cheap taxi fare offer and refuses to take me anywhere..i slumber back inside the airport tired and hungry, i see a cafe and suddenly bump into Adam Richman who insists he would like to do a man v food challenge with me, i accept his kind offer and insist that we have 30 mins to eat 100 yorkshire puddings with a side of mushy peas and mint sauce.

i win!!!!! THE END.

Voltron: Lion Force

Voltron featured a team of five young pilots commanding five robot lions which could be combined to form Voltron.
Voltron Force was in charge of protecting the planet Arus ruled by Princess Allura, from the evil King Zarkon from planet Doom, his son Lotor, and the witch Haggar, who would create huge Robeasts to terrorize the people of Arus.
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