CBS Fox released VHS of A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) in UK/Ireland
Rental release was in April 1986
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The first retail VHS version
aka VHS Sell Through was released in October 1988 this was one of very first retail VHS releases I purchased in February 1990
CBS/Fox Retail version of films had CBS/Fox All Time Greats label and logo on releases
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Before 1990 I was mostly renting out VHS releases
Rental copies prices was very high £70-80 to purchase to outright which is why lot used rental instead back in the 70's/80's
1989/1990 was when public started to see lot of retail vhs (VHS Sell Through) releases to made available
The prices of retail VHS was about £22 to £25 each and started the home video market to buy films instead of using rental