Holy sh!t that is an f'n beast .... I dont even fanboy over Alien and that's got my pecker tingling.
maquette's always go up in value too cause they are iconic in that they are pieces originally made for production of the movie etc.
henceforth this line "Sideshow is proud to present the Alien Queen Maquette created in partnership with Legacy Effects, the talent behind the cinematic terror of the Xenomorphs."
I am so tempted to order it too but so freakin pricey. And i KNOW i cant afford it. Even with the payment plan, it'll have to go on credit card Cant do that to myself right now. Did you preorder it?
I am so tempted to order it too but so freakin pricey. And i KNOW i cant afford it. Even with the payment plan, it'll have to go on credit card Cant do that to myself right now. Did you preorder it?
I am so tempted to order it too but so freakin pricey. And i KNOW i cant afford it. Even with the payment plan, it'll have to go on credit card Cant do that to myself right now. Did you preorder it?
Sell some things to equate at least half that ... then you won't feel as bad.
and a little fyi , the size of the run is TBD right now so its open pre-order for now so you dont have to rush an order in ... incase you do decide to sell some stuff to try and grab this. But I definitely feel ya ... $1100 is pricey esp for CAD. Hard enough for me to drop $650 on a piece anymore but a lot kinda depends on what all else I got on order at the time.
Sell some things to equate at least half that ... then you won't feel as bad.
and a little fyi , the size of the run is TBD right now so its open pre-order for now so you dont have to rush an order in ... incase you do decide to sell some stuff to try and grab this. But I definitely feel ya ... $1100 is pricey esp for CAD. Hard enough for me to drop $650 on a piece anymore but a lot kinda depends on what all else I got on order at the time.
Take heart in the fact that in the Alien universe - there is no such creature as the "Alien King".
No need to own a statue of an "Alien King" any more than you need a staute of an "Alien Court Jester".
Take heart in the fact that in the Alien universe - there is no such creature as the "Alien King".
No need to own a statue of an "Alien King" any more than you need a staute of an "Alien Court Jester".
Oh i know it's not canon, but that's irrelevant to me.
I want it because i've always wondered since there in an Alien Queen what would Alien King look like.
I mean i could always look in the mirror but you know what i mean
Oh i know it's not canon, but that's irrelevant to me.
I want it because i've always wondered since there in an Alien Queen what would Alien King look like.
I mean i could always look in the mirror but you know what i mean