Apple Patent Dispute

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Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
U.K. Judge Sides with Samsung in Apple Patent Dispute

Samsung hasn't had much to celebrate lately in the legal arena, and the fact that a U.K. judge deemed the company's Galaxy Tab "not as cool" as Apple's iPad seems like it would only rub salt in the wound. However, it's for that very reason that Judge Colin Birss sided with Samsung, ruling that Apple's patent infringement claim, which has been successful in the U.S., is bogus.

According to a Bloomberg report, the judge ruled that Galaxy tablets "do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design. They are not as cool." In other words, nobody's going to mistake a Galaxy Tab for an iPad based on the look and feel, as Apple has argued in court, because Samsung's tablet looks and feels like an inferior device.

Samsung's okay with that assessment so long as it keeps translating into legal victories.

"Should Apple continue to make excessive legal claims in other countries based on such generic designs, innovation in the industry could be harmed and consumer choice unduly limited," Samsung said in an email to Bloomberg.

Apple has three weeks to appeal the decision, and considering the company's successful track record when appealing a verdict, Samsung would be wise to prepare for another legal bout.