Batman and Batman Returns (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Cine-Museum Art #18) [Italy]


QuoteMaster® & GIFGuru®
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Mar 12, 2018
Release date: TBA
Purchase links: Penguin Version - Catwoman Version (Pre-order on February 15 at 2.30 PM Italy time)
Price: €139.90
Notes: Batman (1989) and Batman Returns will be released in 2 special box set editions
Group buy: Penguin - Catwoman

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CM Bat.jpg
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Can't believe I am actually posting this... but it seems these are psychically in hand and shipping. Never thought I'd see the day.

View attachment 589047
Well mistah-mastah Carlo said they got a 3rd one in a while ago... so there's your 3 copies of each variant.
6 people will receive theirs...
Season 1 Lol GIF by NBC

What's the highest price these will show up on ebay for? $1,000 each? :rofl:
Step 1: DON'T give money to Carlo 5 years ago, instead buy 0.0232 BTC for those $200.

Step 2: Chill out for 5 years

Step 3: Sell 0.0232 BTC today for $2100

Step 4: Buy TWO One-Clicks on Ebay...

Leonardo Dicaprio Enthusiasm GIF by Jordan Belfort
I bought this almost 5 years ago like so many others in the GB and I won't believe it's shipped no matter how many assurances to the contrary. And wasn't there a big todo awhile back about Cinemuseum wanting an extra $40 for something before these would ship?
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Yeah that was probably me, The GB host never sent any invoices for this until yesterday, so I think any extra charges were included in the invoice. It was certainly more than originally stated when the GB was opened.
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Never got any invoice for the extra $$ so I'm guessing I'll never get this set, but hopefully a refund is not out of the question.
It appears my catwoman set is boxed and ready to ship to me from within the UK. I'd expect to have it sometime next week. I'm gobsmacked.
Assuming a divine intervention has occurred and the miracle of these starting to ship is happening, will Aniv be invoicing the group buy members for the additional shipping charge? Is that how it will work? Or has Aniv moved on to greener pastures.
It appears my catwoman set is boxed and ready to ship to me from within the UK. I'd expect to have it sometime next week. I'm gobsmacked.
See, he trusted most of all, and is getting his one of the first.
It's either intentionally done, or a divine proof one's gotta believe in god, and we're all sinners being left behind.

Assuming a divine intervention has occurred and the miracle of these starting to ship is happening, will Aniv be invoicing the group buy members for the additional shipping charge? Is that how it will work? Or has Aniv moved on to greener pastures.

He's gonna keep them all and resell for $1000. :naughty: