Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook Lenticular) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


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Dec 28, 2012
Release date: November 30, 2015
Purchase link: Zavvi
Price: £24.99


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Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3D (Includes 2D Version) - Zavvi Exclusive Lenticular Edition Steelbook Blu-ray

Release Date:
30 November 2015
Purchase Link:

Price: £28.99
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Zavvi really going for it, I like the artwork but the back is over used already, the good thing is titles are on the spine as well.
This was a far better sequel to The Avengers than AoU which felt like filler in my opinion, and this looks like a nice steel so I might treat myself
Think I prefer the original release really....

same here, and the original is the original. dont see that these are going to be such sought after like original iron man(s) etc. but nice if those who missed get a chance to own these films in steelbook format.
Why are they re-releasing all these ones that people already bought from zavvi but these are much better versions so we all got screwed with the originals :(
Not bad. Just not feeling the background (red star) on the front

Why are they re-releasing all these ones that people already bought from zavvi but these are much better versions so we all got screwed with the originals :(
I disagree about the "much better versions" part :). To each their own, I suppose.
DAMN-IT! :banghead: I really like this artwork! :drool: :cool:

"To Order or not to Oder... that is the question!?" :p Who the hell am I kidding, I fu**in LOVE this film! :woot: Once it's LIVE... :hungry:
£28.99 (€41)????

OMG, what are they smoking over there?

They really are taking the collectors for a ride. And the worst thing is, they are falling for it every time.

Tired of all these boring rehashes of the same few films over and over. There's other films that could do with new Steelbook releases more than these.

Zavvi are making my decisions very easy with these.
these new Marvel steels are awesome,however at those prices,I'm not really tempted - It wouldn't suprise me to see these Zavvi "exclusives" turn up quite a bit cheaper in other countries in a few months,maybe sooner.
It has happened before,and I don't believe that the UK is the only country where Marvel/Disney want to make money on redesigned reissues.
The USA had a particular time frame when Marvel weren't doing steelbooks,so these would go down a storm at $19.99.
The prices of these Zavvi Marvel steelbook will most likely be less when they go live
Most will probably be around £24.99 like it is listed for Thor which also has 2D and 3D Discs