Release date: TBA
Purchase link: TBA
Price: TBA
Capelight Pictures has announced that the original from 1988 will be released in a Mediabook in 2025.
I hope that the general design (interior artwork, booklet) will be based on the Mediabook of the reboot (also from Capelight Pictures).
So far, no edition in Germany has used the movie poster as artwork, so it would make sense here.
Purchase link: TBA
Price: TBA
Capelight Pictures has announced that the original from 1988 will be released in a Mediabook in 2025.
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I hope that the general design (interior artwork, booklet) will be based on the Mediabook of the reboot (also from Capelight Pictures).
Mediabook - Child's Play (2019) (Blu-ray Mediabook) (Capelight Pictures) [Germany]
Release date: November 22, 2019 Purchase link: Price: €22.99
So far, no edition in Germany has used the movie poster as artwork, so it would make sense here.
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