Coming October 20th, 2015:
Best Buy link:
Total Recall Mondo #011 (24.99$+tx = 29$)
The GB MASTER LIST is listed here. I keep it up-to-date the BEST that I can, but YOU are responsible for any mistake that I can do. If I have forgotten you or if the quantity listed is not as your request, YOU need to tell me! Thanks for your help!

LIST: (170)
Drum18 x1
a1helios x1
AcIDc0r3 x1
apsmith21 x1
arbingers x1
ariba266 x1
(with shipping)
ash1115 x1
Askari23 x3
Asopp x1
Azulsteel x1
babylon x1
Bengaloo x1
bigballas01 x1
bigdaygt x1
bigrob x1 -> cooey
blubutcher x1
blumaster x1
boobymcgee x1
BulleTooth13 x1
Bunk x1
Bustinskulls x1
C.C. 95 x3
C2V3N x1 Croatia
capricornio34232 x2
CFIcare x1
chansey x1 Spain
ChoppedUp x1
(with shipping)
Colombianlove41 x1
cooey x1
covcraig x1
crazyhorse69 x1
Dan Kyte x1
dan8885 x1
(with shipping)
Dano x1
DecM x1
(with shipping)
deucela x1
digitalbabe x1
DigitalSlurm x1
(with shipping)
draakki x1
(with shipping)
Driver x1
DullyEL x1
(with shipping)
DylanDog75 x1 Switzerland
eedernator x1
eLviS1987 x1
Engelskind x3 Austria
eps999 x2
Escuby Du x1
EvilMokey91 x1
Feathers McGraw x2
funkeule x1
(with shipping)
Futurhythm x1
GhostDawg x1
GoDo x1
golomidov_alex x1 Russia
guiltybyproxy x1
hammerdave x1
henry00x x1
hiphopnrap x1
Hiroyuki x1
howarmat x1
jackie879 x1
jammmy x1
(with shipping)
Jb162009 x1
jeffster15 x1
Joa-Chim x2
Joanie Mason x1
(with shipping)
Joe x1
jondoyle123 x1
K.i.T x1 Mauritius
(with shipping)
karma2578 x1
Kashby x1
kbr1656 x1
kl241 x1
kootezafra x1 Spain
Le Marquis x1 Reunion
leobzrra x1
Malky78 x3
Marina Blue x2 (special shipping)
marshall Banana x1
Matt87 x1
(with shipping)
matton x1
mbennett76 x1
(with shipping)
MikeWalsh x1
(with shipping)
Misterlovier x2
mkachanthong x1
mnementh x1
Mrhoyt x1
MTRodaba2468 x1
mucsteel x1
n4pster x3 Austria
Narg x1
Nathalion x1
Nazereth x2
(with shipping)
Nemerien x1
NewQid x1
(with shipping)
Nightbreed1984 x1 -> cooey
NikstSWE x1
Noodles x1
ObiWan x1
Ohkay x1
pacman x1
paulboland x1 Ireland
Petedogg50 x1
picolezero x1
Polak x1
(with shipping)
poncholo x1
popeye x1
psychoscot x1
(with shipping)
PsychoWolff x1
(with shipping) x1
R4FFO x1
(with shipping)
Ranavalone x2
redlemon x1
RekLess x1
RepoMan90 x1
(with shipping)
Roughnecks x1
(with shipping)
ruxtpin x2
shil x1
(with shipping)
SilverlakePhil x1
Simoney Burns x1
Softwing x1
spass x1
sqwonky x1
(with shipping)
SteelbookGenius666 x1
Steelbookzombie x1
SteelCollz x1
(with shipping)
SteelMadien x1
(with shipping)
subbuteo x1
(with shipping)
taher x2 Canada
Thedude23 x1
themanfromunkle x1
TheStixter x3
tomasg x1 Czech
(with shipping)
ValBro x1
Vendetta x1
viper0210 x1
vismanden x1
whited001 x1
whysoserious? x1
wongsifu x1
wozbit x1
Wreck x1
xixhd x1
Zaandam3 x1 Netherlands
Zyrin x1
(with shipping)

@Andycadle84 x1
@Blu-Steel Samurai x2
: Invoice sent
: Payment received
: Package sent
Drum18 x1


- HDN rules apply to this GB (see post #02)
- When comitting by replying here, you HAVE to take the item. NO BACKING DOWN!
- Limit of 3 per member.
- Please subscribe to this thread so that you can be directly informed of updates.
- Payment is only required between October 4th - 15th, 2015.
- I send the invoice via PM and payment must be done via Paypal.
(October 1st, 2015): Price is 24.99$ +taxes = 29$.
- I ship in a box with protection. Price of packaging material depends on how many units you take. Pricing is 3$ for the first and then 0.50$ for any others.
- YOU pay the Paypal fees (4%). Unfortunately, I CANNOT accept Personnal Payment anymore (Paypal rules).
- There's also 2.50$ per copy for donation at Hi-Def Ninja.
- Also, I consider my work deserve some consideration for my work/time. For this specific release, a fixed cost of 2.50$ per copy.
SHIPPING COST: (Updated September 15th, 2015)
- Shipping depends on your location. Please be sure to check the shipping price BEFORE committing to this GB because the price listed here at the prices from CanadaPost. They are NOT cheap but that's unfortunately the only way we can ship.
Shipping for USA
1: 11$
Tracked Packet: (6 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 17$
Expedited 4 days (with tracking)
4-5: 26$
6-7: 27$
8-9: 28$
Shipping for Europe:
Air: (6-10 business days)
1: 19$
2-3: 37$
4-5: 47$
6-7: 56$
Tracked Packet: (7 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 60$
4-5: 67$
6-8: 74$
Air: (6-10 business days)
1: 21$
2-3: 41$
4-5: 53$
6-8: 62$
Tracked Packet: (11 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 64$
4-5: 72$
6-8: 79$
IF you decide not to pay, you can be assured that you're going to be on my personnal blacklist and that Ninja's will find you wherever you are.
Remember that since shipping is not cheap from Canada Post, it's always a good idea to put more steel in a box than only one. As my usual policy, once an item is paid, I can keep it aside for you the time that you want until you're ready for shipping.

1: 11$
Tracked Packet: (6 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 17$
Expedited 4 days (with tracking)
4-5: 26$
6-7: 27$
8-9: 28$
Shipping for Europe:

Air: (6-10 business days)
1: 19$
2-3: 37$
4-5: 47$
6-7: 56$
Tracked Packet: (7 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 60$
4-5: 67$
6-8: 74$

Air: (6-10 business days)
1: 21$
2-3: 41$
4-5: 53$
6-8: 62$
Tracked Packet: (11 business days WITH TRACKING)
2-3: 64$
4-5: 72$
6-8: 79$
IF you decide not to pay, you can be assured that you're going to be on my personnal blacklist and that Ninja's will find you wherever you are.

Remember that since shipping is not cheap from Canada Post, it's always a good idea to put more steel in a box than only one. As my usual policy, once an item is paid, I can keep it aside for you the time that you want until you're ready for shipping.
Last edited by a moderator: