Epic Quest [LeftField Media] September 11-13, 2020


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY

hat is Epic Quest? Think “Scavenger Hunt.” Now think bigger, much bigger! Epic Quest is a three-day long team-based competition to determine the nation’s Epic Questmasters! The competition is app-based and will be held September 11-13, 2020 from the safety and comfort of your own home. With over 200 super fun mini-quests to complete within 72 hours, the top teams who earn the most points will win our amazing Grand Prizes!

Epic Quest is specially designed to get you off the couch and on your feet, set your creative juices flowing, and switch on your competitive nature. It’s also a great way for you to interact with friends, family, and fellow geeks across the country--just like at a convention! It’s the perfect opportunity to share laughter, create new memories, and engage in some friendly smack-talk.

To learn more about how the game is played and the registration process, visit www.leftfieldmedia.com/epicquest/.