General Con Chat


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
If you have a general question or discussion not related to any specific comic convention or event ask it here

like how to prepare, what to bring, etc...

Here is a list of what you should bring with you

list courtesy of crazy4comiccon
I also didn't want to create a thread for a con that already passed but I heard this weekend the Rhode Island Comic Con oversold tickets on the assumption the con had trade show turnover rates and ended up having to turn people away. They are also being accused of deleting people's posts on facebook and not handling this well. Turning into a fiasco

bleeding cool review and compilation of posts
I've always wondered how many people at these things are true comic or videogame fans...... as opposed to atendees just going because "It's cool"

I've always personally wished video games would become cooler, then COD and Halo happened.....and now I'm disgusted with the industry.

I also feel like there's a huge hollywood influence, and in general money seems to be taking over and becoming priority #1... as opposed to producing quality product and pleasing fans.
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@FightingPhantom I don't know what makes one person a truer fan over another fan. I look at it like this I enjoy cons at my level but don't judge others whether they are hardcore cosplayers, comic book collectors, panel lovers, casual fans, or just people who want to go for the experience. There is no right or wrong way to be a fan of anything.

there is definitely a big hollywood influence for these shows but that also lets some of the bigger shows attend and bring talent, there is a give and take.
You know I probably came off as sounding like I hate casual fans, but that's not true.....they're very important to the industry.

It's the ones who pretend to be hardcore fans and act all cool like they know everything that annoy me when they just don't have a clue ;)

It's like.... if all you is play League of Legends.... or Super Smash Bros... I don't consider you a true gamer.... a true gamer has played all the major systems, and franchises.... and has a well rounded knowledge of gaming culture and history.

I also don't believe E-"Sports" is a REAL sport , but that's another rant :LOL:
Again I personally think it is a degree thing, If you play games your a gamer, if you only play LoL does that make you an expert gamer, no. but that does not make your opinions invalid. what if in this example the gamer has tried other similar game types but prefers LoL he may not be an expert of every game of every system for that type of game but that does not make his points less valid. Only if that person begins willfully bashing everything else without trying it.

So the same thing for cons I think you don't have to have gone to a million cons and done as much as you can at those cons to consider yourself a congoer. But I do see your side of things, I would hate someone to say to me that because I have not done x or y they are better than me for whatever reason, but then again i usually just ignore that
Afternoon All,

Going ComicCon in May and desperate for some inspiration. My initial budget of around £500 got blown out of the water when my dream of being the most "Extensively Accurate StarLord" turned to smoke when I realised the leg jump boosters and pistol alone were going to have spanked my budget!

So im now looking for inspiration - for all you guys who couldnt/cant/arent going... What would you do - and any retailers that are good for this sort of thing? Ive seen a giant Baymax costume for a couple of hundred quid - I think that would be fun... but could be a complete PITA too!

Let the inspiration commence!
Anybody going to Pheonix Comic Con this weekend? If so would you be willing to help a ninja out :)
You can try @bloodsnake007. He is from that area and may be going
@Asopp and @bantha11 I wish I was going :(... Gotta pay the rent tomorrow (1st of the month) and I'll be working on Saturday :squint:! Plus it'll be over 100 degrees this weekend! It's gonna feel like the devil farted on your face when coming out of the house! :mad: :blackeye: :dead:


So I'll be at the pool! :woot: :hungry: But a friend of mine might be going on Thursday and Friday. I can ask him if he'll do me a favor (NO PROMISES or GUARANTEES). What are you looking for Kalle? :)
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@Asopp and @bantha11 I wish I was going :(... Gotta pay the rent tomorrow (1st of the month) and I'll be working on Saturday :squint:! Plus it'll be over 100 degrees this weekend! It's gonna feel like the devil farted on your face when coming out of the house! :mad: :blackeye: :dead:


So I'll be at the pool! :woot: :hungry: But a friend of mine might be going on Thursday and Friday. I can ask him if he'll do me a favor (NO PROMISES or GUARANTEES). What are you looking for Kalle? :)
Hey dude :) I just noticed that Dan Mendoza will be at the con (i am obsessed with zombie tramp :D) and i was wondering if anybody could get me his autograph on a ZT comic or something :)

WOW!!! 100 degrees :dead: i thought our 86 was bad :smuggrin:
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Hey dude :) I just noticed that Dan Mendoza will be at the con (i am obsessed with zombie tramp :D) and i was wondering if anybody could get me his autograph on a ZT comic or something :)
View attachment 243515

WOW!!! 100 degrees :dead: i thought our 86 was bad :smuggrin:
Dan Mendoza's Autograph on a Playboy Magazine?! :D I'll pass this information over to my friend, hope for the best :thumbs:
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Hhehheheeh as fun as playboy would be ;) i think i would settle for a zombie tramp comic/sketch/anything :) Thank you so much for doing this :thumbs: You are the best :thumbs: :cool:
LOL! :D But like I previously said/posted, "NO PROMISES or GUARANTEES" :thumbs:

Take care and goodnight my Ninja Bro :cool: I'll PM you once I get word from my friend ;)
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