Inglourious Basterds (Blu-ray SteelBook) (FutureShop Exclusive) [Canada]

Apr 2, 2009
Release date: December 15, 2009
Notes: Comes with free Inglourious Basterds dogtags
Full Review: Click here


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Agree. They both went for a small fortune once upon a time. They were released in multiple regions, though. I do tend to find CA futureshop wea exclusives are a pain to track down now.

You have a picture ? There's so many captain america steelbooks, can't find the one u talk.
You have a picture ? There's so many captain america steelbooks, can't find the one u talk.
By CA I mean Canda, not Captain America lol I just meant in general that Canadian futureshop wea exclusives seem to be particularly hard to come across now.
Agree. They both went for a small fortune once upon a time. They were released in multiple regions, though. I do tend to find CA futureshop wea exclusives are a pain to track down now.

The futureshop wea with leader on the front was only art directly there no other.

And If people don't like sealed price can buy an open one about half of sealed just make sure you buy one with the dogtags that's where the exclusivity came in
I got mine years ago for 75usd
Still happy with that
But the art Is what makes it the grail end of
The futureshop wea with leader on the front was only art directly there no other.
For IB, I know. The conversation moved on from there. CA and Thor. They were released in multiple regions. That's the message you quoted basil.