Leatherface 3D

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
With the Saw franchise coming to an end, producer Mark Burg will be joining Carl Mazzocone in bringing the Texas Chainsaw Massacre back to theaters. Word has it that Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures are putting the finishing touches on Debra Sullivan and Adam Marcus' (thanks to Shocktillyoudrop for the name corrections) screenplay for Leatherface 3D. We're told that the plot picks up immediately where Tobe Hooper's original left off before flashing forward 35 years. There's buzz of a "cult" involved. Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures acquired the rights to Leatherface once Platinum Dunes and New Line Cinema passed on making a second sequel to the 2003 reboot. Marcus wrote and directed Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday.