Loki: The Complete Second Season (4K Blu-ray SteelBook) [USA]


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Apr 28, 2011
Release date: December 3, 2024
Purchase links: Amazon - Walmart
Price: $49.99
Group buy: hosted by apsmith21

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If past is prolog, then i don't expect these to sell out very quickly. I think some have gone up in price (Mando S1), but they all seem to be available many months after they were release...but I'm speaking for the USA, and it may be different in other countries.

If they release them, I'll buy them, especially if the art for them is as good as the 4 announced sets.
Same here, I'd like to have the complete set. Nothing wrong with Ms Marvel, wasn't aimed at me but it did have kind of a Homecoming vibe to it which I liked. She-Hulk showed promise then turned into a bandwagon for the writer and as for Secret Invasion, how do you manage to F up something so iconic? They should rebrand secret invasion under the what if... banner and get professional writers in to do it properly this time. Next to taskmaster, this was their most wasted opportunity.