Lets get some of these threads rolling. I don't have a lot here but I do have some SDCC Lego Exclusives including the Rocket Racoon and Warbird and the Collector minifig
this comes with a really cool story and
@poncholo can back me up, these sets from SDCC are really hard to get especially before 2015. So basically what happened in 2014 is people bum rush the booth in the morning and if you are in the first 250 people there you were able to get a ticket for all of the exclusives. I was within the first 30 people on the show floor and I was still unable to get the tickets on the first day of the show.
At the time any un-purchased sets were sold at 4PM so people start hanging around the booth around 3:30. I got there at like 3 and was talking to the guy and at first he kept saying they weren't selling any, which I knew was a way to get people to leave. So I basically kept circling the line, it got to the point people just kept telling others to go in front of them and the line just formed in the hopes that the people at the front would get the sets.
At about 3:50 the first Lego staff member left and another guy showed up, so I was talking to him since I was at the front and he said that the line doesn't matter and that he was likely going to be choosing children and there were not a lot of sets left.
At about this time I called Jack to be my line buddy to help out and stand off to the side
Then at about 3:55 the guy, looked directly at me, then gave a glance to everyone else and was like, if I am looking at you at 4PM you will not be getting a set. I took that as my queue and left his immediate area while still being on line off to the side. At 4 he did exactly as he said started choosing children, then people with only thursday badges, then people who showed photos of their children/random internet children. At the same time there was an much older woman who was following him and nagging him (which I knew would get her no where) while I was just calmly off to the side.
So after he pulled as many people people as he wanted off he rounded the corner didn't really see anyone and was about to turn around and go elsewhere when he looked at me and asked if I wanted the rocket racoon. to which I of course said hell yeah! so thats my long winded story
that would not work now cause they changed the method in 2015 to just a ticket raffle, but yeah