The most anticipated movie of the year, had therefore more potential to disappoint, than one I didn't expect much of anything of, and I'm glad it turned out as good, as I wished!
Everyone is excellent, especially Kevin Bacon, and I appreciated 'the return' of 'gritty Hollywood' advice giving characters, that I am used to from the 90's films like The Player and Swimming with Sharks - because 'modern' one has become too squeaky clean, or rather posing as one, afraid of cancel mob.
A couple of squirmy moments that I'd have lived without, one making me feel physical pain spawned by my brain signals from the traumatic shock of watching them. Also maybe not enough nudity for this kind of theme, but a great stylization of 80's, with the lighting, softness in the background, so you almost feel like you're watching a VHS, a high resolution one somehow... or a movie from those times, like Angel - it's an achievement!
Was really into this until the weak "twist" near the end. X is still my favourite by far.
What twist, didn't even notice, and it wasn't weak at all, if I understand what is meant, it was built up towards throughout, with all the 'rioters', TV news bits, in-movie title "The Puritan", and even by the reveal at the end of X.