Seventh Son (Blu-ray SteelBook) [Czech Republic]


Premium Supporter
Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Release date: May 15th, 2015
Price: 539 CZK
Purchase links: 1/4slip Film Arena

Mini GB: carllenc

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Man, my brain was freaking out when the trailers for this and JUPITER ASCENDING were playing during Super Bowl week- the EXACT SAME TRAILERS that were playing during Super Bowl week LAST YEAR!!!!
I can't wait for this movie really, and for this steel ouff it's gonna be poring Jupiter Ascending can't wait to see the flood gates open and countries trhowing their steels at us

Oh it's Universal, Taiwan Steel will suck unfortunately, it's not gonna be the usual Slips but just a simple paper j-card since it's Waylen who does Universal in Taiwan

@carllenc Hope there will be a Group Buy for this Amazing Film Arena release for The Seventh Son ??? :happy:
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@elchipo I don't go by reviews, so many factors can influence them. I regularly love and enjoy movies that have low ratings and not so great critics, This is definitely a must see and I will judge after I have seen it. I never watch trailers or if one comes up I look away or fast-forward so not to have any expectations going into a movie. I like to go in a movie with a fresh mind. And if it turns out soso, well it's alright not all movies can please us.
@elchipo I don't go by reviews, so many factors can influence them. I regularly love and enjoy movies that have low ratings and not so great critics, This is definitely a must see and I will judge after I have seen it. I never watch trailers or if one comes up I look away or fast-forward so not to have any expectations going into a movie. I like to go in a movie with a fresh mind. And if it turns out soso, well it's alright not all movies can please us.
I think it's pretty cool if you can go into a film cold (there are many great advantages to it), but I have to watch and read and guess-timate wether a movie is worth my time. I have so many films/shows/music/books to get to, that I have to judiciously budget my time. Kinda sucks- when I was younger I saw just about everything at the cinema....but then again, because of HD video cameras the market is flooded with junk and its hard to tell what is worth your time. (For every Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity there are 100s of non worthy copies). You actually have figure out your own algorithm to judge wether a movie is for you or not.
I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy so I will check out both this and Jupiter. Although, it does not bode well that they both got delayed a year, and are being released in February (a well known dumping ground time for movies).
I never root for a bad movie- so I hope it's good. Jeff Bridges is always worth my view.:D
@C.C. 95 agreed ! I do filter, I especially pay attention when they are Tribeca/Sundance or other type of film festivals, I read titles and part of the plot, so not to tell me too much about the movies. I tend to know how to catch the ones I am interested in without having watched the trailer (as I hate trailer they give the best part of the whole movies in 3 minutes) so if I am not sure about the vibe of a movie, I'll watch the first 10 seconds or so of the trailer and usually it's enough to give me a vibe of it. I have my movie list that I continuously add the titles of my must see movies. I like to have no expectations for most movies as when we do have some, we are often disappointed.
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@C.C. 95 agreed ! I do filter, I especially pay attention when they are Tribeca/Sundance or other type of film festivals, I read titles and part of the plot, so not to tell me too much about the movies. I tend to know how to catch the ones I am interested in without having watched the trailer (as I hate trailer they give the best part of the whole movies in 3 minutes) so if I am not sure about the vibe of a movie, I'll watch the first 10 seconds or so of the trailer and usually it's enough to give me a vibe of ii and I have also actors that I love and watch what they do. It does happen at times when I try a movie if in the first 10 minutes or so it doesn't grab me i can stop the movie if it wasn't one that I was longing to see (I have my movie list that I continuously add the titles of my must see movies). So when I see the title I know it's a go. I like to have no expectations for most movies as when we do have some, we are often disappointed.

yes love Jeff Bridges also, it was cool to see him in the remake of Tron and enjoyed him in ''The Giver'' with Brenton Thwaites (The Signals, Maleficent, Oculus) for me saw little part of Seventh Son and the special effects looked so good and love also Fantasy/sci-fi so it's enough for me to warrant seeing it.
I know nothing about Jupiter ascending, saw little parts of trailer was hard not to look away and knowing that it is from the creator of the Matrix itself it surely will be cool, I doubt I would be disappointed...but we'll see.

I also try to balance as I like listening to music, reading and Movies when I have them, sometimes the titles flood and other times there's not much so I read... been reading for 5 hours or more straight last few days going crazy over a book that I am ashamed of saying what it is :bag: and I am going to see the movie on release day I think next week :emb:
Filter! Yes that is the word I should have used!
I think we would be better off if the trailer cards were a little more like a warning- like this...:p
