UPDATE: so i wrote them on facebook, to know, if this is going to be kickstarter exclusive and if it is really a steelbook, here the answer:
it is going to be a futurepak and they won't produce any after release

UPDATE: so i wrote them on facebook, to know, if this is going to be kickstarter exclusive and if it is really a steelbook, here the answer:
Hey ***, danke dir für dein interesse an SKY SHARKS. du hast völlig recht. wir machen ein future pack. da wir auch für den internationalen markt produzieren und futurepack in zB kanada niemandem ein begriff zu sein schien, haben wir uns für den begriff steelbook entschieden. es wird kickstarter-exclusiv bleiben. schöne grüße. sky sharks team.
it is going to be a futurepak and they won't produce any after release
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