Tomb Raider - In theaters March 16, 2018


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May 3, 2011
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: Tomb Raider (2018)

Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE], [GENRE]Adventure[/GENRE], [GENRE]Fantasy[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Roar Uthaug[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Alicia Vikander[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Walton Goggins[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Daniel Wu[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Leo Ashizawa[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Dominic West[/ACTOR]

Plot: Archaeologist Lara Croft sets off on a series of international adventures.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

THR is reporting that Alicia Vikander (Ex Machina, The Danish Girl) has nabbed the highly coveted role of Lara Croft in the planned Tomb Raider reboot. Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley was strongly rumored to be in the running, but sources indicate that Vikander was "always in the driver's seat".

Apparently Suicide Squad actress Cara Delevigne was also in contention.

Norwegian filmmaker Roar Uthaug will helm the new Tomb Raider movie, and it was recently confirmed that his film would be based on the plot of Square Enix 2013 version of the game which followed Croft on her first adventure.

There is no official release date yet.​

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I'm an old school Tomb Raider fan and i have really struggled to grasp the new series mostly because i felt they took a lot away from the original series. I know i am in the minority judging by its success however in light of all this, i get the feeling they tried to fuse the old with the new in this movie. So i guess what i am saying is that the new movie looks promising. Crossing fingers.
Yeah.. so... anybody who wants to see this movie NEEDS to play the game to fully understand how AWESOME this is going to be!!!! It's like watching the movie unfold before our eyes!!!

Can't wait!!!
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The makers of this must be big fans of Into the Badlands. Seeing both Daniel Wu and Nick Frost are in this. haha
Seriously... for once... I was truly confident that THIS would break the Videogame-movie curse... :(


The clichéd superhero films always suck curse has been broken for 18 years now and like you I hoped this would be the one that broke the video game one. Still I haven't seen it yet and I know I shouldn't listen to the critics. I'll report back tonight :thumbs:
Ok ignore the reviews because this is a good film, dare I say a very good film. I really did enjoy it and the end sets up a sequel which I hope the studio follow through with despite what the critics are saying about it

It basically is the Tomb Raider reboot video game come to life as a film, I'd actually e interested to know if all the cries of anguish is Vikander herself or sound bites taken from the game because it sounds just like it

8/10 is probably hyping it too much so I'll give it a 7.5 instead :thumbs:
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