Wesley Snipes Says Marvel May Be Bringing BLADE Back


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Dec 28, 2012

Birthmoviesdeath reports:

"If you send Wesley Snipes to SDCC, you better believe someone (probably a lot of someones) will ask him about the future of the Blade franchise. Doesn't matter what he's there to promote (this year, it's NBC's The Player, which, OK, whatever), doesn't matter if a million other Marvel properties are blowing up the news cycle: now that he's firmly back in the game, people are gonna want that Blade update.

Yesterday, we got one. Snipes was one question into an interview with Deadline's Dominic Patten when the subject of Blade's return came up. Here's what he said:

The project is controlled by Marvel and we did have a really productive and a wonderful meeting and we discussed a number of things. I don’t know where it’s on their schedule at this point, that hasn’t been decided. I guess it’s still up in the air.

Pressed as to whether we might see Blade pop up in another Marvel property - think: one of Marvel's series on Netflix - Snipes elaborated:

That’s a possibility too. I’ve always been a fan of these pieces and adaptations and I’d be nice to be a part of the family again. But if we don’t to a Blade 4 or something else with Marvel, we’ll do something else. We have some other characters and some other concepts that are going to be just as exciting and hopefully just as successful."

So there you have it...
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IMO the correct title should be : Wesley Snipes Says Wesley Snipes May Be Bringing BLADE Back
