Used to work for an environmental charity and got roped into dressing up as a bear for 'environment week' (forget the relevance of the bear) - I think my job was to attract families to the stand and give away balloons and get them signed up to various activities.
Apart from dying from heat exhaustion (it was a HOT day!) and making many kids cry (including my own son -who when I removed the bear head thought the bear had eaten me!) the worst part about it was that I had REALLY restricted vision. I could literally see to my left and right at an angle of about 45 degrees and that was it - to look up or down I had to move my head much more than you would normally and the bear head was VERY heavy!
(To give you some perspective - if you'd held a hammer up in front of my nose and swung it at me I wouldn't have seen it and would not have moved).
Anyway, some kids thought it would be hilarious to stand on or close to my feet (I couldn't feel them on my feet as they were so thick) and crawl between my legs - due to the restricted vision I couldn't see them and my supposed 'carer' had gone to the pub, so he wasn't there to spot the potential trouble ahead.
One of my then colleagues still gets mileage out of telling the tale of me essentially wobbling back and forth, staggering left and right and then falling ass over t*t trying firstly not to fall on or crush the kids - needless to say I brought them down, crashing into a table and wrecking the stand for good measure - parents then descended to severely chastise me for my 'foolish' antics as other staff members tried to console the kids with balloons, etc....... it couldn't have got any worse........
....except it could.....some teenage girls obviously saw this and clocked I couldn't see very well - once back on my feet they moved in and proceeded to sexually harass me until I was taken weeping into the tent by our stand close to meltdown......
There are photos...but the doctor says I'm not to look at them