[CLOSED] Hunger Games Catching Fire Target Digipack Group Buy


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
HDN (and myself) will be hosting a group buy for Hunger Games Catching Fire Digipack exclusive to Target.

You can see our thread for Part 1 here

You can see our thread for Part 2 here

Items will be shipped from the USA.

PRICE : $24.99 (current price on Target.com) + tax + $3.00 gb fee + shipping.

Release date of ????

If you have not purchased from me before, once the order is IN payment is required up front.. I cannot be stuck with unclaimed copies.


BOLD = paid item cost

1) Mrhoyt (Sweden) ** Shipped Mar 19 2014
2) PunkNinja (USA) + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 20 2014
3) MrsRobinson x2 + HG Pt1 Digi (Slovenia) Shipped Mar 19 2014
5) Nyrvana (Canada) ** + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 22 2014
6) Engleskind x2 (Austria) Shipped Mar 20 2014
8) Polak (Brazll) + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 20 2014
9) intrceptor69 (UK) + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 19 2014
10) Scott (UK) + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 19 2014
11) Dhiraj1 (UK) x3 + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 22 2014
14) DarkChild (Greece) Invoiced Mar 21 2014 *****
15) tridon (Canada) Shipped Mar 14 2014
16) {param}
17) Cymon H (UK) x2 + HG Pt1 Digi Shipped Mar 19 2014
19) al90 (Hong Kong) Shipped Mar 22 2014

20) KD Scorp (UK) Shipped Mar 21 2014
21) PascalCgon (UK) + HG Pt 1 Shipped Mar 20 2014
22) nekromantik (UK) Shipped Mar 22 2014
23) {param}
24) ricster (UK) Shipped Mar 18 2014
25) VRob98 (UK) x2 Shipped Mar 25 2014
27) Nisei (nl via usa) x2 Shipped Mar 22 2014
28) Wagner633 + HG Pt 1 G1 size Shipped Mar 22 2014

Addl Pt 1 requests (G2 size):
1) PunkNinja
2) PascalCgon
3) VRob98

Pt 1 DVD (g1) size
1) Wagner633
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Andy can you add on part 1 onto my order if there's any left. Many thanks :thumbs:

Not a problem, will do.

Got all six copies in yesterday folks.

A couple have minor dents / impressions from spiderwrap, but appear in great shape otherwise.

All are new in shrinkwrap and contain the original packaging.

Any questions, let me know.
I am a very sad OCD collector, I know :emb:, but if it were possible (if all copies aren't dented, and if no one else asks), I would greatly appreciate it you could send a mint item. :LOL: Thank you! :thumbs:
Please can I get 2 copies of catching fire and 1 of hunger games part 1 digibook if possible to the UK

I can get you the 2 copies of CF. If you want a copy of Pt 1, I will have to do another order - pm me and we can chat about what I can find for you.
Dont think i have been in a GB hosted by you before, do you want the money now or when you order it ?

Money for the digi would be up front now, but you can pay for shipping and the rest later.

After this one, I'll order you a copy without a payment or deposit first.
Any part 1 left?
If I get both will you need payment right away?

I can try and special order you part 1 - since I'm paying for that up front, you would need to do so as well.

For part 2, I would need a firm commitment because now I have to put another order in for more copies if you want 1, but we could wait on payment until it's out.
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I can try and special order you part 1 - since I'm paying for that up front, you would need to do so as well.

For part 2, I would need a firm commitment because now I have to put another order in for more copies if you want 1, but we could wait on payment until it's out.

If you could find out if you can find part one and let me know. I will tell you once I'm paid end of week if I go ahead with it.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
1 copy of each to UK please. I will be able to send payment closer to the end of the month.
If you have a link so I can look at the first one, then please send it to me please as I'd like a little looksy :)
Thanks for doing the GB
1 copy of each to UK please. I will be able to send payment closer to the end of the month.
If you have a link so I can look at the first one, then please send it to me please as I'd like a little looksy :)
Thanks for doing the GB

Before I secure any copies for you, I'll need a firm commitment - meaning payment up front for the items. We can do shipping later.

Here's the thread that shows Pt 1 if you've not seen it before. I added a video as well that was up on youtube.

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Before I secure any copies for you, I'll need a firm commitment - meaning payment up front for the items. We can do shipping later.

Here's the thread that shows Pt 1 if you've not seen it before. I added a video as well that was up on youtube.


Yeah I understand that, as I say, I'll be able to send payment at end of month (when I have been paid). If you can make up an invoice for me so I know how much I'll be paying then I can send the funds when I am able to do so.
I understand that you wouldn't order them BEFORE i send payment as some people may back out and you would be landed with them..
But I will place on record that it is my intention to order them and it is my intention to pay for them.
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After receiving clarification from members of the digibook forum, just wanted to mention to everyone that this is a "digipack" by the apparent consensus definition.
