Display Stands Steelbook and Fullslip FAC (Czech FilmArena)


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Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Display Stands SteelBook and Fullslip FAC

Purchase link soon : Filmarena
Price : 59 CZK (2€)

stand6.jpg stand7.jpg stand8.jpg stand9.jpg Stand2.jpg stand3.jpg stand4.jpg stand5.jpg
Can you provide hard PVC protective slip or bigger size protective sleeve for FAC release?
The present sleeve sold on website only fit for Steelbook itself, but no match with the slipcover.
Can you provide hard PVC protective slip or bigger size protective sleeve for FAC release?
The present sleeve sold on website only fit for Steelbook itself, but no match with the slipcover.

Best ones I have used are Steelbook Central ones. You can buy from ebay or their website. SFC2s are the ones you need for fullslips or Lenti fullslips. They cater for most sizes, I used SFC3s for O-ring lenti's like Nova's.
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Dude, what protectors do u use then?
Believe it or not but my entire FAC collection is still sealed. Just didnt have time to open and enjoy them. Maybe because I always want to scan and take pictures of the sealed copies first before I open them. Just didnt have the time to do that for all of them as when I usually finish with PMs and GB stuff here its already dark or I just feel like watching a movie or getting some rest lol

I do plan on getting the plastic covers from SC for all my FACs but I wont be getting any stands as the ones I have are adjustable so I just set them for the FAC size :thumbs: