Inception (Blu-Ray Steelbook Futureshop) [Canada]


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
10/25/2010 per the FS forum, Brana just confirmed this will be released December 7, with the cover below.

Spotted this on another forum.



Per planetahd
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Hi Bluray, LOL-I don't know how else they got a picture of the Futureshop Steelbook with the sticker itself, but I guess anything is possible:) Here's to hoping we get some more member pics soon:)

I posted that pic it is from a guy on BD forum his mate sent him the pic from the futureshop warehouse before they went out to ship to shops from what he has said ;)
I don't think this is coming with a totem/top.

I just saw a TV ad for the bluray and it showed a picture at the end of the totem/top that was exactly the same as the one that's stickered in front of the case.
It's for some sort of phone game/sweepstakes.
Hi Slo-the commercial you saw was for the US release though, correct (you are in Miami?). I wish there was some 100% clarity as to whether the FS release (this thread) comes with one. Buh...;)
Yep, U.S. release TV ad.
As you can see on the sticker in the pic posted by DK06CTR though, there's a phone in the corner of it.

Thinking about it... it would have to be a REALLY tiny top to be able to fit in the steelbook. Otherwise it would be packaged separately.
Hey Slo-yes, I was thinking it would be packaged separately:) Not the end of the world for me because I am also awaiting the German briefcase ed, but I'd like some clarification anyway:)
I saw a subway ad for inception on the public transit today with the picture of the totem exactly like the sticker and it involves some taking picture thing where you get extra scenes and sneak peaks or something.
Based on the flyer doesn't look like it will come with a top, which does sadden me but I'll live.
My local FS is having a midnight opening thing for WoW, Tron Evolution and Inception and I am really hoping they don't put the Steelbook up on shelves for the midnight opening because I can't make it XD.
ordered mine fye...amazing how mst employess have no idea what their store sells I had to tell them and give product number that I got from a forum...go figure..
I went to midnite release for just inception ..was about 40th inline. And nobody infront of me picked up inception! So don't worry plenty of copies. My store mustve had at least 25copies! The steelbook itself is amazing! My favorite futureshop release since District9! So detailed even the actual blu-ray discs!
thanks to proto-vision on BD for the pictures.


and he also posted a picture of the maze setup in downtown toronto.
