Last movie seen at theater?

Jan 30, 2009
England |

What was the last movie you saw in theater or the next one you plan on seeing?

Enjoys Guys & Girls :)


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Sorry, thought it was evident.
Sometimes adapted screenplays hit all the right notes. Even though GoT is a TV show, Seasons 4 and on have phenomenal adaptations even though they take from different parts of the books and even different books! Some movies you sit though and come out of in awe. Others you need to ruminate on the story, structure, thematic material, and inferences/metaphor/allusions and then you realize that it was a masterpiece. That being said....

I've read all the books in the Dark Tower, some multiple times. I know it would have been 100% impossible to incorporate all the themes into one movie. However, as stated above, there are ways to do it with proper screenplays. Probably not in a singular movie, but I know it could have been done so much better. This movie was devastatingly horrific. It missed practically everything from the books! Honestly, I would give it a 0/10 if I could, but alas it gets a 1 from my IMDB account. Elba's was awful, not capturing the essence of the gunslinger at all. Again, the books are masterpieces with Roland truly last of his kind. Pick any actor they could have done a better job I bet.

I could go on and on, but I can't waste my time on this drivel.
Dunkirk a couple of weeks ago 4/5
Valerian in the 4DX 4/5
The big sick last night 3/5
1 year on with our cineworld unlimited ticket been almost every week

I am intrigued by all the positive accolades Valerian gets here. The trailer made it look awfully childish. Since I am a huge fan of Luc Besson, I will now consider seeing this movie soon.

I have not seen Dunkirk yet either (I know slacker!). I had my wife almost convince but she heard from a friend that is was BO-OOORING so we canceled our plans to go last minute. I know it's gotten rave reviews from movie-lovers (of which my wife is not) so I may see it in the near future.
I watched 12 Strong yesterday in the theater and enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for the patriotic stuff. Saw a trailer for Annihilation for the first time and I think it looks pretty good.
I saw Black Panther ... for an origin movie so to speak I think it was great. I think it was a good movie overall, but feel like its still over hyped. Michael B Jordan was phenomenal tho. Still better then a lot of other Marvel Movies but I could choose 5 I would rank above it quite easily.
Black Panther night before last. I thought was a great film and a very very strong addition to the MCU!! Phantom Thread will be next for me!