Need a Slipcover badly? POST IT HERE!

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I will be going out of town on Friday and visiting many stores ...

Im willing to take the list with me and buy the blu-ray for you if I find it with slip and sell it to you AT COST. So if you need something, post below with your highest wants and I will try to source them.

Blu-rays typically cost 9.99 to 29.99 so thats what you would be paying if I find it. If you have a MAX then write that beside it as I will condense everyone's wants and see what I can find when I go. Knowing the stores I'm visiting I think the average price for blu's will be more like 14.99 - 24.99.

I cannot return any of these once I'm back, so only list SERIOUS wants! If you have a list of 10 but can only afford 5 then give me some type of note. Im not trying to get stuck with anything as I'm doing this 100% at COST!
I want the 28 Days Later UK slip... Slip only! :)


edit: woops. That's what you get when you post before you read... lol. Well, if you find yourself in the UK keep me in mind... haha.
PM sent, scored you an American Gangster Goldie.

to others reading, after visiting like 8 stores that was the only Goldie I found :( I mean, I saw some others but nothing that I havent seen in other stores (atonement, coraline, eastern promises, ray, IB)
Does you know if Cronos and Antichrist criterion editions came with slips ? If so are they still available anywhere. Id like to pick up those two.
no idea, I'm back from my out of town trip, but I can check local stores next time I'm around.
PM sent, scored you an American Gangster Goldie.

to others reading, after visiting like 8 stores that was the only Goldie I found :( I mean, I saw some others but nothing that I havent seen in other stores (atonement, coraline, eastern promises, ray, IB)

I need those slips (only slips) :) in gold.
well I'm away from that town, can probably only get Ray and coraline round me.

thought u had Ib tho.
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