Newbie Collector, need advice


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Mar 28, 2014
Hello All :)

I'm a newbie collector and it's been about a month and a half that I started collecting steelbooks and now knowing the difference between a steelbook, a viva metal case or a futurepak so on that, Thank you for those who helped me.

I am however wondering how many steelbook when you absolutely love a release and you would like more than 1 copy, the thrill of a rare release, a beautiful artwork etc... how many is too many ? I went a bit crazy on some titles, happy that I did though I look at them and I feel like they are my babies lol they're just so beautiful sealed and side by I loosing it or I'm not the only one feeling this way ?!

any point of view from others would be welcomed...
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Reactions: charlie1533pr
All depends, if it's multiple copies of the same steelbook then yeah, 2 or more is a bit extreme

If your collecting different variants of a certain film then the more the better IMHO

I collect my favourite films across many different editions and formats (Die Hard & Alien for example)