[NINJA WEEK 2013] Your favorite children/family movie (COMPLETED)

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Premium Supporter
May 3, 2011
Hey guys!
on behalf of the Ninja Week 2013 and since you guys have been REALLY generous with me in my past GB's (that I truly, TRULY appreciate it), I thought it was now my turn to give back to you!

How to participate?
Tell us your (as YOU were a child) favorite children/family movie.

The Lorax (Future Shop Exclusive Steelbook)

From: Wednesday (08:00 ET - 13:00 GMT) to Thursday (08:00 ET - 13:00 GMT)
Please refer to the Ninja Week 2013 - Drum18 Giveaways master thread.

  1. liammurphy1985
  2. BigBlizz
  3. Jango
  4. Wootball
  5. Researcher
  6. sproutyrouty
  7. Grapey
  8. humperklonk
  9. jammyone
  10. Daddycool187
  11. kermit7376
  12. spass
  13. cincyuu02
  14. bgmat58
  15. ocielz
  16. glaucoheitor
  17. bigfub
  18. wyatt03
  19. tnaDenmark
  20. berns
  21. Ross
  22. cprodrigues
  23. Twanky
  24. adrenaline78
  25. Necroscope
  26. SimonLDT
  27. Flip
  28. The Jericho
  29. mllNY
  30. shejon01
  31. Eendje
  32. Noodles
  33. Buffalo MX
  34. unam9
  35. vurt
  36. Munstarz40
  37. yaZo
  38. riddlesNrhymes
  39. Hooch
  40. snsguy
  41. DK06CTR
  42. Che
  43. Ricker
  44. Chandler_90
  45. Slinchafi
  46. White_Rat
  47. dirtyoak
  48. zesty
  49. Colombianlove41
  50. jitstark
  51. PunkNinja
  52. spawnshop
  53. steveguna
  54. snowblood
  55. ricster
  56. herpderp
  57. Nedan
  58. G:Box
  59. Antman
  60. huggy2k4
  61. rodtp
  62. Kuzco
  63. Monkey2005
  64. frankfish44
  65. justintime2k
  66. spartan
  67. Ardu
  68. WKRP
  69. bcdavis9958
  70. stinkofdefeat
  71. steelbook95060
  72. darczap
  73. roseart
  74. mgoode20061
  75. Jace88
  76. citygytste

Winners: riddlesNrhymes
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Transformers (original Cartoon) all day long my gran took me to the cinema to watch this and duely fell asleep and started Snoring
Closely Followed by The Thundercats .... Oh how I miss the 80's.

Thanks Marc for another Awsome giveaway
The Monster Squad! I watched the s**t out of that movie! I got the re-release a couple of years ago and it still holds up! Probably explains my obsession with horror movies as an adult...
jurassic park, the only movie iv'e been too where everybody stood and applauded at the end
I have SO many, but I'm going to go with Labyrinth... released the same year I was born, and I still love it to this day!

Thanks for another awesome giveaway. :D
El Libro de la Selva (Jungle Book) definitive, excited to know BR will be released on 2014, at my 22 Lion King got me same level as Jungle Book.

The Spanish track on Jungle is awesome with lot of Latin stars of the time as Tin Tan, Flavio, Pelayo, etc.

Here an example :)

¡Gracias Drum18!
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I think mine was Pete's Dragon. I remember watching it over and over again
No.1 would be E.T. with an honorable mention for Harry And The Hendersons, love that movie! :D

Thanks very much for the awesome giveaway!!! :scat:
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