Pixeljunk Series Megathread

Jan 29, 2009
PixelJunk is a series of downloadable games developed by Q-Games for the PlayStation 3. They are available for download and purchase on the PlayStation Store worldwide. The series made its debut on July 11th 2007 at E3 2007 with PixelJunk Racers.[1]

All PixelJunk games are presentable in 1080p full HD. The series is published by Q-Games in Japan, and by Sony Computer Entertainment in other territories.

Current Games

Series 1

The first series of PixelJunk games are all described by Q-Games producer Dylan Cuthbert as having "simplicity, familiarity, and originality" in common.[2] Games in the first series are also two-dimensional and run in 1080p HD at 60hz.

1-1: PixelJunk Racers


PixelJunk Racers, the first game in the PixelJunk series, was released worldwide on the PlayStation Store on September 13th, 2007.[3]

PixelJunk Racers bears structural similarity to slot car racing games. The racetracks of the game consist of five separate lanes within which the cars move. Unlike most traditional 3D car racing games, the camera is always fixed above the circuit, giving an aerial overview of the entire track.

1-2: PixelJunk Monsters


The second game in the PixelJunk series, PixelJunk Monsters, was released worldwide on the PlayStation Store on January 24th, 2008.[4]

PixelJunk Monsters borrows gameplay from titles in the "tower defense" genre. Players must stop waves of enemies by placing defensive towers around their castle. Enemies must be stopped before reaching the target in the castle at the end of their pathway.

An expansion pack for the game titled PixelJunk Monsters Encore was also released (under the production number 1-2a).

1-3: PixelJunk Eden


Q-Games unveiled their third PixelJunk game, PixelJunk Eden, at the 2008 Game Developer's Conference.[5] The game was released on the PlayStation Store on July 31, 2008.

Future games

PixelJunk Monsters PSP

According to Dylan Cuthbert, Q-Games' next project is a conversion of Pixel Junk Monsters to the PSP that will feature 50% more content that the Playstation 3 version.[6]

PixelJunk Dungeons

Q-Games fourth PixelJunk title will be PixelJunk Dungeons, which is currently in the conceptual phase of production.[2]

Series 2

Though a series 2 PixelJunk game has yet to be announced, Dylan Cuthbert has suggested that games of the second series could "...maybe take some of the old 3D looks and bring them up to the full HD kind of style
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After talking about the co-op in PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe for the PSP, it’s now time to talk a little bit about the two player mode in PixelJunk Shooter which we hadn’t mentioned before.

In true PixelJunk fashion we have made the game co-op, so get a friend around, grab an extra controller and anyone can just dive right on in. We’ve tried to make co-op as de-stressed as possible, so even if your player’s ship gets hit by something or overheats and starts crashing towards the ground, you can pop out your extendible hook thing (no official name for this yet - “Grabber” perhaps?) and grab your friend (he’s a bit heavy tho, so watch out), then you can carry him to the nearest pool of water and dunk him in to restore his health. If you don’t manage to grab him in time, he’ll just re-spawn near you and you’ll be docked a life.

The game is an old-school shooter at heart (hence the name), it is the PixelJunk take on those old retro shooting games such as Defender, with a little bit of Choplifter and Thrust! thrown in for good measure. We have giant bosses for you to fight against, multiple weapons to pick up and try out, shields you can grab, all kinds of stuff to give people with an itchy trigger finger a lot of fun. However, at the same time we have added a puzzle element (that we tend to do with most of our games) so even those without an itchy trigger finger will be able to play the game and have a lot of fun. This puzzle element obviously revolves around the sandbox fluid simulation we have implemented, and it is incredible to watch in action.

As with PJ Monsters Deluxe I’m not sure what the release date will be, but we are working very hard on it so hopefully it won’t be too far off!
PixelJunk Shooter has gone gold

One of the most anticipated Playstation Network titles has finally finished development. Dylan Cuthbert, the President and Executive Producer of Q-Games, confirmed that PixelJunk Shooter has now gone gold on his personal Twitter account.

The Playstation Network exclusive game will be released on December 24th in Japan. While the North American date has not yet been revealed, it is expected to be in the same month
PixelJunk Shooter 2

Q Games tends to move from one project to the next and while the Japanese-based studio is already hard at work at something not called PixelJunk Shooter, Q Games founder Dylan Cuthbert recently told me he's excited to work on something before that: PixelJunk Shooter 2.

"Normally sequels are just a re-hashing of the ideas in the original," said Cuthbert, "but for PixelJunk Shooter we still have a ton of ideas on the drawing board and the engine has lots of potential we want to use before moving onto our next idea. It would be a waste not to use it to try out more stuff."

As for what those other ideas are? As you might expect, Cuthbert was less forthcoming. He did confirm there were no vehicle suits cut from the game, so all of those would be based on what the studio learned from developing PixelJunk Shooter and gauging reaction from players.

"We managed to put in all the ship 'suits' that we thought up this time around," he explained, "but there will be a number of new suits to make use of some of the brand new ideas for fluid gimmicks you may or may not see sometime soon."

Cuthbert was talking about PixelJunk Shooter 2 before PixelJunk Shooter was even released, so it's clear he's anxious to move forward immediately. If I learn more, I'll be sure to pass it on.

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ive only played a little bit of shooter. to be honest i actually kind of forgot about it. its a good game though, just been too busy playing MW2
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap official announcement soon


Late last week, the Entertainment Software Rating Board leaked that PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap would be coming to the Playstation 3. Dylan Cuthbert of Q-Games, the developer behind the acclaim PixelJunk downloadable series on the Playstation Network, was a little hesitant in confirming the game’s existence on his Twitter:
no idea.. the ESRB always randomly rate randomly named games from randomly unnamed sources
Today, however, he confirmed that PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap is indeed real and an official announcement should be coming soon:
Keep an eye out for Racers 2nd Lap news, we should release more detailed info soon
The original PixelJunk Racers was released on the Playstation Store of the Playstation 3 on September 13, 2007.
PixelJunk Shooter 2, the latest in the PlayStation Network series from the creative and quirky Q-Games, was playable at this year’s E3 in the Sony booth. Being a huge fan of the first game, I was eager to get some hands-on time with the second game. The game met, then exceeded, then totally blew away all of my expectations.

Sony designer Brian Upton talked me through the demo and helped me out with some helpful hints and pointers while giving me some information about the game. The first question I asked when I sat down was, “Will there be any DLC for the first Shooter, or will this game come right after the first?” Had I simply been more patient and waited for the loading screen, the question would have been unnecessary, as the game’s subtitle is “In the Belly of the Beast,” meaning the game starts just moments after the last one ends.

There’s much that’s familiar – you operate the S.S. Pinita Colada to save the surviving workers and the special survivors waving their flags, as well as collect coins (I love spinning to get them) and diamonds. The same game mechanics apply as well – using the grappling hook to scoop things up, shooting out monsters and certain walls, and solving puzzles to get around the levels. The physics we all know and love are still there, continuing that same incredibly fluid gameplay.

But much has changed as well – including new monsters and new interactable environments. The first level I got to play was within the frightening belly, which pulsed and spewed acid on me while I tried to dodge, weave, and save the survivors. This level was affectionately titled “Inner Space,” reminiscent of the Martin Short movie. Here, there’s the threat of the stomach acid itself. Once you get splattered with the corrosive material, your ship’s heat rises, and stays up until you get to water and rinse off the hull. The acid pours down out of ducts, and you have to be careful when you hit the walls – some sections are spongey and have absorbed acid, covering you in the purple fluid. Unlike water, you can’t shoot through the acid, so if monsters appear, you have to wait until they’re out of the acid or the acid stops flowing to kill them. There’s also lava here – what’s this beast been eating? – and in the part I played, water was released through sphincters, allowing for more maneuverability. These sphincters are one-way gates the player can fly through, opening up more options.

There’s also a new mechanic introduced with the acid – when mixed with water, it releases a gas that makes you really slippery, causing you to spin out of control. Once you’re in the spin, you must use the grappling hook to grab onto something more stable and then time your release perfectly to get around. It’s tricky and challenging but adds another layer of both danger and precision to the game.

The second level I got to explore, “Lights Out,” was what completely blew me away. Q-Games has incorporated a brand new way to create even more challenging puzzles with the application and manipulation of light and dark. As I flew around within the beast, I found survivors, but if they were in the dark, I had to figure out a way to get the light to them in order to save them. Shooting out certain areas allows more light in, and there are also movable light sources as well as monsters that shoot projectiles that light up different areas. But every time you fly in the dark, ominous eyes surround you. I was warned that “bad things happen” if you stay in the dark too long, and after trying – and failing – to properly solve a puzzle, I found out exactly what that bad thing was.

Final Thoughts
PixelJunk Shooter 2 will be out this fall. Be sure to check back here at Gaming Target for a release date, which I’ll share as soon as I’ve got it. And, of course, check out the first game if you haven’t – it’s one of the best PSN games available.

PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap Megathread - Free Update Gets Early Access Tomorrow!

This is an expansion pack to PixelJunk Racers, an addictive slot car racing game that supports 1080p and features single player and multiplayer fun (up to 7 players simultaneously on one screen!). It's acing mayhem with intuitive controls, 32 different race modes, and online rankings.
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Available on PSN now!

The latest from the wonderful Q-Games.

The guys and girls at Q-Games have produced some exceptional titles over the last few years. PixelJunk Shooter is still a regular on my play list. One I missed was the original PixelJunk Racers. So the announcement of PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap was of great interest to me.

Well those lucky fellas over in Japan get their hands on the game as of today. The title has just hit the Japanese PSN store and weighs in at 500Yen/£3.70. The game also comes in at a very svelte 37Mb download. The new version adds worldwide support for uploading and downloading driver “ghosts” as well as trophy support. Already own PixelJunk Racers 1? Good for you! In Japan you can upgrade to PixelJunk Racers 2 for only 100Yen but in the EU & US you get to update for free!

Link to the Japanese store is here and for use non-Japanese speakers Google is on hand to translate here.
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap Megathread - Free Update Gets Early Access Tomorrow!


PixelJunk Racers is *not* a racing game – it is more like a PixelJunk reaction-based party game based loosely on slot-car racing. There are all kinds of different rules to play with, for example in one rule all you do is hold the trigger down to “puff up” your car, release the trigger and your car flies along the track like a balloon, the goal is to get as far as you can without hitting anything. We support up to 7 controllers and it makes for a superb game to play with friends around. In another mode you can only keep your speed up by “eating” the other cars (by hitting them and destroying them). For anyone who enjoys fun rules with a bit of a driving motif, this should be right up your alley.

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Second Lap is a FREE add-on to PixelJunk Racers! But it doesn't over-write your original game!
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PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap: Free Update Gets Early Access Tomorrow

So… better late than never right? Yes, finally PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap is coming to PSN and we’ve had a lot of fun fiddling with the original Racers to bring it up to date with the other titles in the PixelJunk series. Instead of going back and just adding trophies we decided to go through and give it a difficulty overhaul — making the game far easier than it used to be (we used to make these games pretty tough back in the day eh). It is still a pleasant challenge of course but not the insurmountable cliff face it used to be.

Let me be the first to say this, but PixelJunk Racers is *not* a racing game – it is more like a PixelJunk reaction-based party game based loosely on slot-car racing. There are all kinds of different rules to play with, for example in one rule all you do is hold the trigger down to “puff up” your car, release the trigger and your car flies along the track like a balloon, the goal is to get as far as you can without hitting anything. We support up to 7 controllers and it makes for a superb game to play with friends around. In another mode you can only keep your speed up by “eating” the other cars (by hitting them and destroying them). For anyone who enjoys fun rules with a bit of a driving motif, this should be right up your alley. It is one of our favourite games in the PixelJunk series — it’s a personal favourite of mine and the one that kickstarted it all off.

On top of this we added a new global scoreboard called Driver’s Points which add up as you play the online score attack modes. This should give everyone a nice long-lasting challenge, especially as to enhance this further we have added ghosts of the other players in the high score rankings that you can play against. You can only select ghosts from either your friends’ list or from the other players near you in the high score table so as you go up through the ranks you should be able to see some incredibly skilled play from some of the best players out there. It makes for a very addictive challenge.

Before I forget, 2nd Lap is totally FREE to existing owners of Racers, and you get to keep the original (difficult) Racers for posterity (it doesn’t overwrite it). PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to get this upgrade a whole two weeks before everyone else too, with also a 25% discount (those lucky folks!) Regular PSN users will soon catch up though, two weeks isn’t too long to wait I hope – it will be available on Aug 24th for just $6.99!

Whether you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber or not, if you’re an existing owner of Racers, be sure to get the FREE upgrade to 2nd Lap. All you have to do is click the FREE button on the 2nd lap product page, add to cart and install… that’s it! For those that are new to Racers, you will automatically be upgraded to 2nd lap at the time of purchase.

Anyway, it’s time for me to get back to work finishing up PixelJunk Shooter 2 (looking pretty cool btw!), I’ll be back in a little while to talk it up and perhaps even to discuss our latest collaboration with Baiyon of PixelJunk Eden fame, so see you soon!