Plain Archive Give-Away - Blue is the Warmest Colour (#0069/1000)


Premium Supporter
Jan 10, 2015
It was pointed out when I posted pictures of my Plain collection in this thread that I was a little psycho for owning so many copies (a true statement). So, I have decided that I will give away one copy of Blue is the Warmest Colour which I currently have three. I am willing to part with the sealed copy numbered #0069/1000 (It's an appropriate number for this amazing film :wacky: )

IMG_1575.JPG IMG_1577.JPG

To win you will need to do the following:
1) Thank this post
2) Post your most wished for Plain Archive release
3) Have an account created before the date of this post with at least 20 non spam posts (that's 1 more than I have at the time of this post)

Submissions will be accepted up to Midnight on February 22nd. I will number the entries and using a random number generator I will select the winner. I'm willing to ship worldwide. The winner will be announced on the 23rd (First day of Ninja Week!).

UPDATE: As I was not specific just a note the submissions will be accepted up to midnight EST.

Here is the FINAL list of entrants.

1 Slinchafi
2 bonakaze
3 Agent_DVD
4 Raggle Fraggle!
5 C.C. 95
6 bantha11
7 Ricker
8 bigwednesday0
9 Kuzco
10 Le Marquis
11 KD Scorp
12 Monkey2005
13 nefilim
14 Ripley18711
15 steel888
16 meaner
17 badgerman
18 cjy152
19 Colombianlove41
20 tokaman
21 Asopp
22 harry
23 kryptonite
24 YellowCake
25 dan8885
26 bigfub
27 Ricardo13
28 mmz41
29 yellowfirst
30 Prazzers
31 justboy
32 Kobi
33 gilbertofelix
34 Anthony
35 Escapegoat07
36 davidson
37 deeii
38 Dexter Skelter
39 whysoserious?
40 Matt X
41 cisco
42 Logikloch
43 khamito
44 rover
45 Civer
46 tonybsg
47 lenticularis
48 nicblue
49 Il Furiano
50 T800kaz
51 villadelrefugio
52 jimgard
53 ash333
54 Madness
55 Denroc
56 Jericho
57 Collector03601
58 wyatt03
59 mams
60 Last Lizard
61 pi2loc
62 dominic
63 vampire75
64 George Pearce
65 pedrothelion
66 rj531
67 lampshire2005
68 AlienKing
69 eps999
70 AcIDc0r3
Last edited:
Here is a list of entrants so far (Feb 20 - 5:13pm EST). Please let me know if you feel you have been missed.

1 Slinchafi
2 bonakaze
3 Agent_DVD
4 Raggle Fraggle!
5 C.C. 95
6 bantha11
7 Ricker
8 bigwednesday0
9 Kuzco
10 Le Marquis
11 KD Scorp
12 Monkey2005
13 nefilim
14 Ripley18711
15 steel888
16 meaner
17 badgerman
18 cjy152
19 Colombianlove41
20 tokaman
21 Asopp
22 harry
23 kryptonite
24 YellowCake
25 dan8885
26 bigfub
27 Ricardo13
28 mmz41
29 yellowfirst
30 Prazzers
31 justboy
32 Kobi
33 gilbertofelix
34 Anthony
35 Escapegoat07
36 davidson
37 deeii
38 Dexter Skelter
39 whysoserious?
40 Matt X
41 cisco
42 Logikloch
43 khamito
44 rover
45 Civer
46 tonybsg
47 lenticularis
48 nicblue
49 Il Furiano
50 T800kaz
51 villadelrefugio
52 jimgard
53 ash333
54 Madness
55 Denroc
56 Jericho
57 Collector03601
58 wyatt03
59 mams
60 Last Lizard
61 pi2loc
62 dominic
63 vampire75
64 George Pearce
65 pedrothelion
66 rj531
67 lampshire2005
Last edited:
Here is a list of entrants so far (Feb 20 - 5:13pm EST). Please let me know if you feel you have been missed.

1 Slinchafi
2 bonakaze
3 Agent_DVD
4 Raggle Fraggle!
5 C.C. 95
6 bantha11
7 Ricker
8 bigwednesday0
9 Kuzco
10 Le Marquis
11 KD Scorp
12 AnubisNefer
13 Monkey2005
14 nefilim
15 Ripley18711
16 steel888
17 meaner
18 badgerman
19 cjy152
20 Colombianlove41
21 tokaman
22 Asopp
23 harry
24 kryptonite
25 YellowCake
26 dan8885
27 bigfub
28 Ricardo13
29 mmz41
30 yellowfirst
31 Prazzers
32 justboy
33 Kobi
34 gilbertofelix
35 Anthony
36 Escapegoat07
37 davidson
38 deeii
39 Dexter Skelter
40 whysoserious?
41 Matt X
42 cisco
43 Logikloch
44 khamito
45 rover
46 Civer
47 tonybsg
48 lenticularis
49 nicblue
50 Il Furiano
51 T800kaz
52 villadelrefugio
53 jimgard
54 ash333
55 Madness
56 Denroc
57 Jericho
58 Collector03601
59 wyatt03
60 mams
61 Last Lizard
62 pi2loc
63 dominic
64 vampire75
65 George Pearce
66 MGD
67 pedrothelion
68 rj531
69 lampshire2005
Please don't add me @alatoire

;-) very nice of you, but I ask NOT to include me, but wanted to thank you for this amazing giveaway.

And by doing so, hopefully you'll make another Ninja happy with this release.

So please take my name off the list please.

@the other Ninja's.... Good luck!
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Reactions: alatoire
Please don't add me @alatoire

;-) very nice of you, but I ask NOT to include me, but wanted to thank you for this amazing giveaway.

And by doing so, hopefully you'll make another Ninja happy with this release.

So please take my name off the list please.

@the other Ninja's.... Good luck!

oops, my bad. I put the names list together too quickly. I have updated my post.

I must admit every time I scroll past that Spring Breakers mock-up the idea of it being an actual release grows on me. :thumbs:
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Reactions: AnubisNefer
Thanks for the giveaway.

I would like to see a Pulp Fiction or other QT editions made with exclusive artwork, would be pretty special.
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Reactions: alatoire