Post pics of your pin badge collection/latest purchase


Super Moderator
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Feb 28, 2011
Surprisingly there doesn't seem to be a thread for pins yet, so lets start one!

Feel free to share your entire badge collection and/or latest pin purchases in here. :)
I have a few random ones that I've either randomly picked up over the years or people have kindly given to me, although I've only recently decided to actually start a serious collection.

I'm also in the process of making my own pins and setting up an online store, so keep an eye out for that! ;)

Here's a couple I purchased over the past few months...

This is possibly a better spot for it, but there is a sticky in the poster forum all about Pins with a number of posts. check there too bud in case you wanna drop the same pics.
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This is possibly a better spot for it, but there is a sticky in the poster forum all about Pins with a number of posts. check there too bud in case you wanna drop the same pics.
Ohh thanks! I did a forum search, but I must have somehow missed that thread. Obviously feel free to merge if you wish. :)