Horror-Theatrical Quiver - In select theaters May 22, 2021


Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: Quiver (2015)

Tagline: I hope you brought extra bug spray, cause they're gonna eat you alive.

Genre: [GENRE]Horror[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Trevor Zurkan[/DIRECTOR]

Writer: Kenneth Livitski (yours truly ;))

Cast: [ACTOR]Robert Beck, Lisa Marie DiGiacinto, Andrew Paulsen, Dave DelBen, Tracey Stevens Barrett, Randy Feaver[/ACTOR]

Release Date: [RELEASE]TBD 2016[/RELEASE]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]90[/RUNTIME]

Plot: Rudy and Claire decide to go on a camping trip for their anniversary. Unbeknown to them, there are mutated ticks lurking in the same woods, ready to drain them dry.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

New Trailer (released Sept. 04, 2015):

First Teaser Trailer (2012):

Quiver banner.jpg

What’s up, movie fanatics?! My name’s Kenneth Livitski, but most of you around here know me by my alias of ‘Tridon’. I’m opening this thread today to help spread the word about something that’s very near and dear to my heart to an audience that I know will appreciate it.

The something that I’m talking about is QUIVER, an independent horror film that was shot in the city and surrounding areas of my hometown, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. My role on QUIVER, and the reason why I’m here talking to you about it, is that of screenwriter and producer. Since this film was my brainchild, I want to spread the word to show how proud I am of it.

QUIVER completed shooting last fall and as of right now, it’s currently in its post-production stage. The film follows a couple who, after receiving the co-ordinates to an isolated camping destination, decide to go on a hiking trip to rekindle their relationship and celebrate their anniversary. Once they arrive, though, they soon realize that this area isn’t as isolated as they once thought and that something unexplainable awaits them.

The film was directed and produced by Still Frame Entertainment owner Trevor Zurkan and features a stellar cast that includes Robert Beck, Lisa Marie DiGiacinto, Andrew Paulsen, Dave DelBen, Tracey Stevens, Randy Feaver and more. Another thing about QUIVER is that it lives up to being considered a real independent picture.

This film was 100% funded by both Trevor and I. Since this is the case, I've gone ahead and opened a fundraising campaign for the film at IndieGoGo. All funds raised will go towards helping us finish post-production and to stay on schedule for our summer 2012 release date. If you donate, you can receive a cool perk, all of which is explained on the campaign page. If you’d be interested in donating and helping out, please check out the campaign and watch the video that's included on its page.

If you’re interested in learning more about the film, feel free to check it out on Facebook, IMDb, the Still Frame Entertainment Web site or at my own personal Tumblr Blog. Even if you can't donate towards the film, we still very much appreciate the following and support. Now, before I end this message, allow me to leave you with the link to the official trailer of QUIVER. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks! :)


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Trailer #2 for QUIVER is here! :thumbs:

(please keep in mind that as with all trailers, the CGI isn't 100% complete yet)

Looks crazy Ken, my kind of film, that tick coming out the toilet looks freaky. Been looking forward to the trailer

Cheers for the tag franky, looks interesting
Looks great @tridon :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: If this goes blu ray we want signed copies dude ;) :thumbs:

I guess now that you are gone all big shot hollywood director on us :cigar: we will get pics of you on E entertainment coming out of a car with out any panties on or you passed out on a sleazy motel somewhere with tons of blow next to your vomit filled transgender hooker :p :D :hilarious:

Good luck with the movie :thumbs: and hopefully there will be many more in the future :thumbs: :thumbs:

Thanks for the tag @bloodsnake007 :thumbs:
I guess now that you are gone all big shot hollywood director on us :cigar: we will get pics of you on E entertainment coming out of a car with out any panties on or you passed out on a sleazy motel somewhere with tons of blow next to your vomit filled transgender hooker :p :D :hilarious:

That's Ken's fifth movie right there.

"My time with the big shots and how f*cking awesome it is - The movie"
Okay, so I have a lot of responding to do! Let's get to it! :thumbs:

The TICKS are coming! :ohno: Great 2nd Trailer Ken! :thumbs:

Get in here NINJAS and show this movie some love! :woot: :notworthy: It's Written by our very own fu**ing awesome Ninja TRIDON! :writing:
Part 1 @Scary Hair @chunk @harry @Hooch @PunkNinja @Asopp @DADDYCOOL187 @ocielz @elle82 :cool:

Thanks, Franky! And thanks to everyone who's popped in to this thread thanks to Franky's tags. I'm happy you enjoyed the trailer, bud! We'll have to chat about it in person in a few weeks. ;)


I'm glad you approve.


@chunk @luke98 @DADDYCOOL187 @DodgyDave @Obi Wan Dandobi @psychoscot @whysoserious?

Take a look feature with Ceatures :) .

I knew my creature feature-loving friend would love it! Thank, Ann! :)

Wow Ken! @tridon you are awesome!
Thanks for the tag :D This looks interesting :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::woot::woot::woot::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry:
Looks crazy Ken, my kind of film, that tick coming out the toilet looks freaky. Been looking forward to the trailer
Nicely done @tridon ! Good luck!
My brother is real pumped for it too Ken;) He shared it on his FB as well :thumbs:
Thanks for the tags @bloodsnake007 and @Scary Hair :notworthy::thumbs:

Awesome job @tridon:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: :cigar: trailer looks like great fun:D

Thank YOU, everybody! I started writing this film in 2009 and completed the screenplay in 2011. It's been one very long, expensive journey, but it's finally getting there and I can't wait for all of you Ninjas to see it! :D

Looks great @tridon :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: If this goes blu ray we want signed copies dude ;) :thumbs:

I guess now that you are gone all big shot hollywood director on us :cigar: we will get pics of you on E entertainment coming out of a car with out any panties on or you passed out on a sleazy motel somewhere with tons of blow next to your vomit filled transgender hooker :p :D :hilarious:

Good luck with the movie :thumbs: and hopefully there will be many more in the future :thumbs: :thumbs:

Thanks for the tag @bloodsnake007 :thumbs:

This will have a Blu-ray edition... it's already being planned. Once that happens, I'll let everyone know about it and yes, I'll sign it if you really want me to deface your copy. :p

As for the whole "going Hollywood" thing... wow. If that's my life, I better start searching the yellow pages for a psych. :LOL:

That's Ken's fifth movie right there.

"My time with the big shots and how f*cking awesome it is - The movie"
Fifth :OMG: I taught this was the first, guess i missed the hollywood crazy face then :( :D Where could i find these so called "other movies"? :pompus:
Your description I quoted would be his fifth movie, like in the future. Like an autobiography, you crazy Finn.

:rofl: :p :rofl:

You guys are nuts! :rofl:

I will say that no, this will not be the synopsis to my fifth film. Something else that I can say is that I already have my fifth film planned as the screenplays for #2, #3 and #4 are all being worked on at the moment. ;)

Excellent trailer Ken, the film looks great.
Be ready to spread the lyme disease on Oct. 30!
I guess next is Quiver (HDN Exclusive Limited Edition Blu-ray)?!
HDN Black Label #1.... Is Quiver :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty:

How cool would that be, movie by ninja, to ninjas ;)

Thanks, Punk! And wouldn't that be something? Of course, at the end of the day, that wouldn't be my decision... though I surely wouldn't mind if I saw Quiver on the Ninja Shop. :yawn:
@tridon hope I get to see it here in the Soo..will u be doing festivals? U can be guaranteed that the whole ninja community will be behind ya! And I want my copy signed!

The premiere will be in Thunder Bay, Ontario... where the film was shot. Then we'll be taking it on the festival circuit. Not sure if we'll be touring with it or not, but if we do, I'm sure stopping in at the Soo would be possible. :thumbs:
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