Save jeremy clarkson.......


The Helpful Fox
Premium Supporter
Oct 13, 2013
UK portsmouth

What I dont get is he reported himself so was he wanting it to end ? .

No idea why he did that but since all 3 of them were coming to the end of their contracts it would be the smart thing to do as the Lefties at the BBC have been trying to get rid of him for a while. This was the perfect way to do it, giving all 3 the freedom to move to another channel. If thats the case and whether people like him or not it gives him the last and very big laugh as it was the most profitable show for the BBC.

The Producer had to intention of reporting it himself and was happy to let it blow over, so if Jeremy hadn't actually reported it himself it would never have come to light. I think Clarkson knew full well that the Miliband Fan Club would jump at the chance to get him out and it worked.

The show has around 80 million fans worldwide who are only watching it for those 3 and the cars, hell the show has versions in other countries that the locals prefer to watch the UK version over their own lol! A new show will start featuring those 3 and cars and make a fortune. The Beeb will loose a ton of cash which unfortunately will be coming out of our pockets.
So BREAKING NEWS! Clarkson HASN'T been fired, confirmed by the head of the Beeb on the Radio 5 news show. They just aren't renewing his contract "When it ends" so technically right now he is still employed and still being paid!

See to me and I think you are right flower he knew exactly what he was doing .

It's the true fans who I feel for with this . The ones who dont want or can not afford pay monthly t.v. Also older people who are less technology savvi than us .

Not sure weather Top Gear will end or not time will tell I guess .

See to me and I think you are right flower he knew exactly what he was doing .

It's the true fans who I feel for with this . The ones who dont want or can not afford pay monthly t.v. Also older people who are less technology savvi than us .

Not sure weather Top Gear will end or not time will tell I guess .

There has been talk of Netflix, but with both Clarkson and May's love of standard British TV I can see either ITV or C5 snapping all 3 of them up just like they did with Jonathan Ross. They bring in a ton of cash so it's a no brainer really.

I think the Beeb will "try" to relaunch Top Gear but I can't see it being a success.
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What I dont get is he reported himself so was he wanting it to end ? .

well according in the week i read on the tinernet clarkson still actually owns part of the rights to topgear with bbc uk and bbc worldwide and the paper that stuck the story up said he would have to be paid out £8m from each bbc bit, so if he wants paying out he stands to get £16m in the region of.

personally i think he should not have hit the guy but there are other ways to deal with it, like bringing the 2 of them together and agreeing something that both would be happy with such as jeremy paying some huge amount of money whether to producer or a chairty that he would have been happy with or such like and had a pair of balls about it and acted like a man. i've had a knock at work in the past from someone, i could have got him the sack it was offered to me. I decided to do something a bit more reasonable. where has all the common sense gone?

personally think the bbc execs have been on a witch hunt for a long while because he won't conform or say yes sir no sir, three bags full sir and they been after him for a while now.

as to top gear they will have to give it a complete make over, new presenters and hope for a new audience. i for one will not be watching it once last 3 eps get shown.

i think may will go with clarkson not sure about hamster as hes such a goody to shoes imho. also apparently clarkson is quite chummy with murdock in real life so imagine this, 50m pure profit after costs what do you think rupert??? i think i know what the answers going to be.

and finally in couple of years time tv licence jacks up to cover loss of the old show and cost of making a failing show, well maybe 3 years as they will prob give new top gear 2 years to prove its self and job is done.

basil :thumbs:
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Well, Sky TV won't be employing him, so that's one channel down, as the chief exec said in the last few days Sky will not be employing him.

Hamster and Captain Slow also had their contracts ending at the end of the month, if I'm not much mistaken?

So we may know pretty soon if they will sail on with the good ship Auntie or jump ship to waters new. And of course todays rumours that Top Gear producer Andy Wilman is quitting (denied by him today, so unfounded)

Could be an interesting week ahead.
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Perhaps not a popular opinion but to be honest I have never been the biggest fan of his and so many times over the years he has said or done unnecessary things and they were always brushed under the carpet but in this situation he really did cross the line. The BBC were right to say enough, no one should be above the law and if he wasn't a celebrity, I think it's a terrible example that even the prime minister has been called into this ridiculous debate over Clarkson as as if they are more important matters in the world than whether multi-millionaire Clarkson should not be sacked despite assaulting someone?
Perhaps not a popular opinion but to be honest I have never been the biggest fan of his and so many times over the years he has said or done unnecessary things and they were always brushed under the carpet but in this situation he really did cross the line. The BBC were right to say enough, no one should be above the law and if he wasn't a celebrity, I think it's a terrible example that even the prime minister has been called into this ridiculous debate over Clarkson as as if they are more important matters in the world than whether multi-millionaire Clarkson should not be sacked despite assaulting someone?
He maybe stepped out of the line sometimes but it was all part of the show I think. I actually liked that he wasn't afraid to say or do what he meant. Either way that is what made him popular.
He maybe stepped out of the line sometimes but it was all part of the show I think. I actually liked that he wasn't afraid to say or do what he meant. Either way that is what made him popular.

Each to their own, I found most of it totally unnecessary and antogontiatic most of the time and the BBC put up with it because he's a 'celebrity' who brought them ratings and money but there should always been a end line and for him to then apparently assault someone, I don't blame them for saying enough. I just find it odd after everything, everyone is saying 'poor Jeremy'?
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Each to their own, I found most of it totally unnecessary and antogontiatic most of the time and the BBC put up with it because he's a 'celebrity' who brought them ratings and money but there should always been a end line and for him to then apparently assault someone, I don't blame them for saying enough. I just find it odd after everything, everyone is saying 'poor Jeremy'?
I'm not sorry for him because he got what he deserved but I'm sorry because of the TopGear. It was my favorite TV show.
I'm not sorry for him because he got what he deserved but I'm sorry because of the TopGear. It was my favorite TV show.

I wasn't meaning you specifically but alof of people are feeling that way.

However yes I agree it is a shame for people who liked the show, I used to like it in the early days.
Just seen the Local news Top Gear Live SHEFFIELD will go ahead as planned with NO Top Gear Branding .

It will now go under the banner of Clarkson , Hammond and May LIVE .

Hope it helps gang :) .
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I went off top gear and those 3 years ago but that was quite funny

(only just seen this thread and found it quite funny - I think they are past it but top gear won't be the same without them if that makes sense)
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I went off top gear and those 3 years ago but that was quite funny

(only just seen this thread and found it quite funny - I think they are past it but top gear won't be the same without them if that makes sense)
I started to go off them/the show a bit towards the end too... the fact most of it was scripted became very obvious, and it took away from the fun. I still found it all very entertaining overall though, and I loved how many risks they took. I see this fresh start for them as a positive thing though, as the old TG routine was starting to wear a bit thin. I'll certainly be giving their new show a watch! ;)
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