Upcoming Star Trek: Picard (Season 3) [Paramount+]


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Feb 28, 2011

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Here’s also a sneak peek that was tweeted out. Voyager era uniform to the right and I’m surprised to see Picard in civilian clothes. I still kind of thought he’d be Starfleet as maybe an admiral..... or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking in the hope he has an Enterprise F as a flagship.


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Sadly it's been made very clear it's Kelvin timeline garbage like Star Trek Discovery so filing under "Avoid like the plague" CBS made it clear they are sticking with Bad Robot so another classic show goes down the toilet.
Sadly it's been made very clear it's Kelvin timeline garbage like Star Trek Discovery so filing under "Avoid like the plague" CBS made it clear they are sticking with Bad Robot so another classic show goes down the toilet.

...have you ever watched Discovery? Because its not kelvin timeline and its also a fantastic show. So I'm very confused by your comment.
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Yes I have and it is 100% kelvin timeline Visually it bears no resemble to the time it’s supposed to be set in and we now know why due to rights issues It’s bad robot continuing on from those wretched films and Discovery has been a major fail both in terms of viewers and serious hostility from the fans It’s akin to doing a prequel to gone with the wind and everyone is driving fords and looking like a 60s hippy It just doesn’t work and don’t even get me started on the dire storylines and pissing over continuity They must have been getting their training from the Dr Who team.
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Will they make Picard 25% different like they have done with everything else. Sorry this has fail all over it. There was nothing there that make me want to watch.......... And his expression read "Please forgive me fans, I didn't release this was bad robot"
Seriously I see bad robot attached to any film or tv show I just mark "Avoid". Sorry that's the way I feel. I have watched two of my favourite franches totally trashed . Dr Who and Star Trek and I've just had enough of all this woke garbage.
I've never really been into Star Trek... and the teaser doesn't make me feel like that's about to change.
...The streaming company also confirmed the rest of Stewart’s co-stars: Alison Pill, Michelle Hurd, Evan Evagora, Isa Briones, Santiago Cabrera and Harry Treadaway.

Previously, executive producer Alex Kurtzman told EW about the show. “It’s an extremely different rhythm than [Star Trek: Discovery],” he said. “Discovery is a bullet. Picard is a very contemplative show. It will find a balance between the speed of Discovery and the nature of what Next Gen was, but I believe it will have its own rhythm. Without revealing too much about it, people have so many questions about Picard and what happened to him, and the idea we get to take time to answer those questions in the wake of the many, many things he’s had to deal with in Next Gen is really exciting. ‘More grounded’ is not the right way to put it, because season 2 of Discovery is also grounded. It will feel more… real-world? If that’s the right way to put it.”

via EW
Will they make Picard 25% different like they have done with everything else. Sorry this has fail all over it. There was nothing there that make me want to watch.......... And his expression read "Please forgive me fans, I didn't release this was bad robot"
Seriously I see bad robot attached to any film or tv show I just mark "Avoid". Sorry that's the way I feel. I have watched two of my favourite franches totally trashed . Dr Who and Star Trek and I've just had enough of all this woke garbage.

Yea i understand. Personally, if Rick Berman was involved I'd be more excited. But he isn't. And some feel that they are just using Stewart as a smokescreen to make another show that builds less on the shows of the 80's & 90's.

Try to say that on some of the Star Trek fan pages on Facebook and they'll say that is blasphemy. When in fact I honestly have nothing but respect for Stewart.
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Yep Rick Berman being kicked of Discovery rang the alarm bells for me and yes I also have great respect for Patrick Stewart but I have a feeling he just stepped on a metaphorical land mine and I don’t think he’ll be too forgiving if they trash the legacy of the next gen especially after the car crash that was Discovery. From what I can gather the chain of events for Discovery were as follows. Rick Berman was brought on board as they announced a return to the prime time and Star Trek and his ideas seemed to go down well. He made it clear the fans wanted proper Star Trek and not the Kelvin timeline. Everything was going well. Netflix where paying for most of it and then the problems begin. A high up suit in CBS wasn't happy with what Berman was doing and wanted the Kelvin time line as those films were popular with the public and he was hoping to duplicate the success of the films on the new subscription channel. Berman was fired and then all hell broke loose. The merchandising firms saw the visuals planned and made it clear the fans wouldn't buy it. And problem after problem resulted in a show that bore no resemble to Star Trek, the fans hated it and pretty much got hostile reviews. A second season was commissioned but Netflix refused to pay any money towards it because of the poor ratings and poor response. The 1st 5 episodes of season 2 had to be reshoot and it just lurched from one crisis to another. Everything about it screamed amatuer and the pissing over canon and continuity continued. As i type this there is no season 3 planned but with the same team on board for Picard I have no faith. They don't have any respect for continuity, source material and Storytelling. I find all this disturbing even more so when this trend is being repeated across the board in sci fi in general........
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Apparently the test screenings for the 1st few Picard episodes are in. An overwhelming loathing of the show with a 20% like. By the way why is it called Picard. If that new rule for having to be 25% different, shouldn't it be called Pecard?. The overall consensus by the fans who saw the test screenings was "the Abram films by another name.". I'd say after the disaster of Discovery the franchise is now more screwed than Dr Who, if such a thing is possible. When you can't even sell an iconic character like Pecard/ Picard to netflix you are in serious ****!. The fan productions are way way better than the official show these days.......
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Will they make Picard 25% different like they have done with everything else. Sorry this has fail all over it. There was nothing there that make me want to watch.......... And his expression read "Please forgive me fans, I didn't release this was bad robot"
Seriously I see bad robot attached to any film or tv show I just mark "Avoid". Sorry that's the way I feel. I have watched two of my favourite franches totally trashed . Dr Who and Star Trek and I've just had enough of all this woke garbage.

Yea i understand. Personally, if Rick Berman was involved I'd be more excited. But he isn't. And some feel that they are just using Stewart as a smokescreen to make another show that builds less on the shows of the 80's & 90's.

Try to say that on some of the Star Trek fan pages on Facebook and they'll say that is blasphemy. When in fact I honestly have nothing but respect for Stewart.

I have no opinion on Picard, but Rick Berman ruined trek. He had one good movie (first contact) and most of TNG was good (s3-s6 and s7 was intermittently good..esp All Good things). DS9 was great 9 thanks to his absence, while a season of Voyager was considered good if there 1/4-1/3 of the eps were good. Enterprise had 1 good season (the last one). The best thing about Trek in the 80s and 90s was Behr and Moore and once Berman killed DS9 it was over (even though I still watched both shows till the bitter end).