Today the internet died


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Sep 19, 2012
The EU just passed article 13 so enjoy the last days of freedom on the internet I suspect before to long most forums are going to become a distant memory. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Look it up and you can bet your bottom dollar the rest of the world will follow


Ps: it was fun while it lasted
Also keep in mind,

"When is Article 13 happening?
Although the Article 13 vote has been passed by the European Parliament, this doesn't mean its provisions take place straight away.

It will now be up to the EU's member states to enact Article 13 and the Copyright Directive. Each country within the EU will be able to interpret the law and how it should be implemented in its own ways. Therefore one country may decide that "upload filters" should be implemented using one tool, while another may understand the law in a different."
Our evil overlords are starting to push their luck. Still, I guess they know what’s right for us, after all, us plebs are the ones that elect them.