[USA HUB] Wreck It Ralph BluFans Shipping Coordination

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hey folks, since there are SOOOO many of you, I have created a thread, just for USA hub members to discuss and ask questions so my inbox is not flooded.

According to Kevin, here are all the members that are going through me.


3D Blue slip w sticker:


BlackRob183 (USA) USA


madnaxal78 (USA) USA
mando (USA) USA
{param} **also has white slip

r3zzy (USA) USA

Slim (USA) USA **has white slip

3D blue slip with notebook:

Tbryson880 (USA)n USA

BuffaloMX (USA)n USA



2 copies of 3D blue slip with 2 notebooks :

2 copies of 3D blue slip with 1sticker and 1 notebook:

GBv44 (USA)x2 USA ** has white slip (3 total)

2D white slip with notebook

Total count based on list above:

75x blue 3d slip with sticker
79x blue 3d slip with notebook
20x white (2d) slip with notebook
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I paid yesterday. I don't see my name on the list though.... Should be under 3D slip w/notebook
My friend, a question from beginner: you will contact me later to request the address information and also for me to make the payment for the shipping?

Thank you!

My friend, a question from beginner: you will contact me later to request the address information and also for me to make the payment for the shipping?

Thank you!


Correct, when the weight of the items is known with the packaging that I'm using, everyone will receive a PM.

I do them in waves, for my sanity, so often it's around 20 people (or more) at a time that get contacted, and then other folks get messages as I finish shipping the previous group.
What a journey for this steel and its not even completed! Its like the hobbit but for steels :p:hilarious:
Thanks for all the hard work and to everyone involved! :thumbs:
I sure don't have to time to do all this... many thanks!!!! :D
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Cannot wait for the PM to give out more money. It only will mean that WIR is on it's wag to me and will soon be in hand , safe and sound in my house.
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I ordered 2x Blue slips (sticker and notebook) and paid for both but am only listed for the sticker version. Who do I speak to to get this straight? The hub leader or Kevin?
I ordered 2x Blue slips (sticker and notebook) and paid for both but am only listed for the sticker version. Who do I speak to to get this straight? The hub leader or Kevin?

Follow up with Kevin, once he lets me know, I will update my list - but you want to make sure his list is correct first, so he sends me the correct number of copies of each.
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This may be a dumb question but it is my first group buy. At what point do you ask for my shipping address? Is it when the shipping invoice is sent?

correct, after I get the steels in hand, you'll send a paypal payment for shipping. the pm I send everyone has detailed instructions, so until you get a pm from me, nothing else is needed.


BTW, folks, I'm submitting the final count of steels for my hub to Kevin shortly. I'm assuming everyone has verified their info and is OK with what has been posted, so what you are down for currently is what you'll get.
thank you guys very much for all the effort! Can't wait for it to be shipped. Will be on the lookout for the PM for the shipping. :)
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