Weakest Marvel Universe Movie?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
What is your take on this?

I'll go with Ultron.

But .... honorable , or dishonorable mentions could go to IM2, 3, Thor 2, Cap 1 ...... depending on my mood that day.
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Thor: The Dark World was just a let down all around and so forgettable that I can't even remember what happened at this point...?? I'm still wondering how they're explaining away Jane/Natalie Portman's absence in the newest Thor that is coming out soon...

It does bother me that Jane isn't in the new Thor. I hope they at least explain why. Avengers: AoU and Civil War explained why Pepper Potts wasn't around, so hopefully this does the same for Jane.
That likely is the most disappointing MCU film. There were so many missed opportunities. We wait an entire trilogy to see the Mandarin and that is what we get? Plus it should've been called 'Tony Stark & the Iron Men' because he spent most of the film outside of the suit. And then that little kid should've been Marvel's tiny tech guru Amadeus Cho instead of just some random child.

They could've just removed The Mandarin and made it a hardcore Extremist story line.
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Iron Man (2008) - A solid, if not predictably crafted Origin Story that took a superhero genre plagued with Fantastic Four-esque films and made it "not awful".
This movie is held up if not solely by the performances by RDJ and Jeff Bridges.

The Incredible Hulk (2008) - The former "worst of the bunch", this cheap-looking, boring film strives for a different tone than any other Marvel film since. And I can appreciate that, if nothing else.

Iron Man 2 (2010) - The first time Studio intervention broke a film in recent memory.... but it shall not be the last. This movie had too many uninteresting, unrelated things happening that turned the narrative in to a game of scattegories.

Thor (2011) - A completely forgettable, lowest common denominator film that doesn't strive to do anything impactful, nor compelling. Fight scenes are visual blue-soup and the characters are devoid of any type of tension when they exist solely to crack jokes. This movie is driven if not solely by Tom Hiddleston and Anthony Hopkins.

Captain America (2011) - A watered down attempt at a war film that hits neither grit nor enjoyment. This film finds the time for a 4-minute dance number but for some reason plays all of its action sequences through montage. The film is poorly paced, is devoid of all character and charisma, and exists purely as a stepping-stone to get to The Avengers.

The Avengers (2012) - A well-written, slow building film that has a solidly defined 3-act structure that paces the film well. The only drawback is that this may be the most blandly shot film in the MCU.

Iron Man 3 (2013) - Mismarketed. Audiences were promised a deconstruction of Tony Stark's character in the face of having to make horrific decisions that impact the hero on an emotional level yet unprecedented. What we got is a low-stakes quip-fest that removes any sense of character continuity and suspense by having each situation undercut by the stupidity of it's genre.

Thor: The Dark World (2013) - I'm going to be entirely honest with you- I saw this movie and I cannot remember a single thing about it. It left my brain quicker than I could commit any of it to memory... probably done as a self-defense mechanism because nothing about this film is engaging.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - Finally, filmmakers that understand that when dealing with a bland character- the best thing to do is to place said Saltine Cracker in a world of which undermines everything that they believe in to create a situation where the heroes of the past can no longer exist in the world we've created today. I don't believe this film qualifies as a "Super Hero Film", it is merely an Espionage film with a Super Hero in it. It is, in my opinion, the best that Marvel has to offer.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) - Let the quip-times roll. A movie that was an enjoyable enough experience the film time around- that somehow gets worse and worse every time I see it. When a film trying to subvert expectations becomes the expectation- there is really nothing else for the film to stand on.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) - The Iron Man 2 syndrome multiplied tenfold.

Ant-Man (2015) - Are you ready for another remake of Iron Man? The only thing that makes this film enjoyable is how Peyton Reed's (Edgar Wright's?) directing style is a more noticable presence than on any other Marvel Project. The ensuing heist film is concise and well-executed.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) - The Avengers: Let's try this one more time. The only issue with this film (other than it being visually uninteresting and peaking in the 2nd act) is that this film constantly tries to undermine itself. Nearly every moment that should be dramatic is undercut by a quip. You want suspense? Nope. Quips. You want hard-hitting emotional repercussions? Nope- this is Marvel, we can't kill anyone.

Doctor Strange (2016) - This was the first one that truly insulted my intelligence. A remake of Iron Man so predictable and cliche that not even the actors performances can shake me of the fact that I've already seen this film before.

So like... the point I'm trying to make is that...
The Winter Soldier is great.
There are a few that are decent.
The rest are just bad.

So if you ask which Marvel film is the weakest- my answer would be:
"They're all too weak to really differentiate THE WORST of the worst".
GOTG2, I have watched the first one I don't know how many times. But this one I would never waste my time again. They were trying to be too cute all through the movie
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Iron Man 2 where literally nothing happens for a full hour.

Iron Man 3; the Mandarin move was bold but didn't work for me plus the ending was a mess and I can't stand Paltrow.
Surprised to see so many mentioning "Doctor Strange" also surprised I didn't see an "Ant-Man" mention, that film was nothing but mediocre.

My choice, IM2.
Surprised to see so many mentioning "Doctor Strange" also surprised I didn't see an "Ant-Man" mention, that film was nothing but mediocre.

My choice, IM2.
What Ant-Man? After the AoU 2 Desaster i was watching some weeks later the next MCU Film.
It was Ant-Man, and i had much fun. Yes, he was a little bit childish. But i had more fun than AoU.
I must confess to enjoying Iron Man 3, but will concur that it is the weakest link in the IM cannon.

Literally I'm stunned......stunned I tell you......that Doctor Strange was ever brought in to this discussion. I absolutely love that movie, and have a hard time not putting it No.1 (Guardians of the Galaxy and Cap First Avenger jostle for position) Also gaga for Ant-Man.

For me the easiest Marvel to tag as weakest is Thor: Dark World by several galaxy's.
Ironically i enjoyed Iron Man 2. I know lots of others didnt. I was a little disappointed over Thor 2 because of the harsh changes to its director, music composer and the continuous end of the world approach which unlike its predecessor lacked heart.
Thor 2 for me

Was absolute garbage and eccleston was completely forgettable though I do watch it when going through the MCU

I'm actually a fan of IM2 & 3, I would even go as far as saying IM3 is my fav iron man film. The mandarin part didn't bother me and it has the best final fight of the iron man films (although the Potts part was cringe)

I remember when Ant-Man was out and I knew nothing about the character, I was only up for it because of Wright. Then all that shiz happened so I boycotted it and a friend made me watch it months later (who hates marvel) and I ended up loving it. First marvel film I didn't see at the cinema either. Do love that film

I used to hate cap 1 but got into it more a few years back and I go on and off AOU, sometimes I love it and sometimes I don't. AOU still has my favourite fight - hulk vs hulkbuster followed by the civil war airport fight

I really like strange but I hate cucumbersnatch. So first time round I had to get over him but I really enjoy it now. Watched that in 3D on Friday and it looked really cool
GOTG2, watched it again after being not overly impressed at the cinema but didn't get any better second time around. Don't get me wrong it had the usual fantastic special effects you expect in the Marvel films but just thought it was kinda like you've made all that money and had the good reviews for the first one and this is all you can come up with for the second film
Thor (boring), Age of Ultron (poorly written), Antman (weak characters) & Thor Ragnarok (far too much humour) are all on a par for me as the worst. In fact this is how I rank the MCU films

Avengers Assemble
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Ironman 2
Ironman 3
Guardians of the Galaxy
Captain America: Civil War
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Spiderman Homecoming
Black Panther

The Incredible Hulk
Captain America: The First Avenger
Thor: The Dark World
Doctor Strange

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Thor Ragnarok