[Winner Announced] Apollon's Mystery Box(es)?!? [Give-Away]


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Dec 28, 2012
Hey everyone!

In case you're starting to feel the withdrawal symptoms now that Ninja week has been over for a few weeks, fear not, cos I got you covered for the next week or so :p


As the title clearly implies, the gift will be a surprise and the winner (yes singular as in ONE winner only ;) ) will get to find out what those 10 movies are once he/she receives the package later.

I'll tell you this: from those 10 movies, 6 of them are still sealed/mint steelbooks :naughty:

Some of these were acquired through a couple of trades and some were received as a gift and since I already owned them (the gifts), I'm re-gifting them to you, my fellow ninjas (well to one of you that is).

Approximate value of $130-$140 (give or take).

Now onto the serious stuff aka the RULES!

Read carefully, as if you miss any of these, you will not qualify to enter the random drawing.

- Anyone can enter, provided they have a minimum of 30 posts by the time they post in this thread.
- Visit my trade thread here and thank the OP (no purchase necessary although you can always have a look around :D ) then come back here and post that you have done so along with your guess as to what the prize might include. There are no right or wrong answers, it's just for fun :oohyeah:
- Thank this OP to show you have read, understood and agree to the rules.
- The winner is responsible for shipping costs.

Once the drawing's done, I will post the winner's name here and send a PM.

The contest is open for one week after which I will announce the winner's name at a time of my choosing.


And the winner is


:oohyeah: :scat: :oohyeah:

PM incoming. :D
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Done. ;)

I believe that both The Jungle Book and The Little Mermaid are among the titles the winner will get. And maybe one the Kill Bill movies too!

Thanks for the great giveaway!
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Have thanked your trade thread.

I think this giveaway will include Zombilenad Play.com exclusive steelbook.
GREAT idea for the giveaway, Fares...WELL DONE!!! Both threads thanked....

From reading the rules, I don't think anything in your trade thread will be in the box. I'm going to say that there are a Reel Heroes (or two) and/or some U.S. WB wave stuff and/or a few Zavvi's (maybe a Disney perhaps???). Judging by the amount of steel included, their commulative value and my knowledge of steelbooks in general, I'd say I'm correct on at least one of my guesses, if not all three.

Thanks again, buddy!!!
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I think it contains the very first printed FutureShop Iron Man. And Public Ememies. And then 8 other awesome steelbooks.

I thanked all posts
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