[WINNER CHOSEN] Antman's Blinkin' Awesome Giveaway

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Steelbook Avenger
Premium Supporter
Feb 26, 2011
Lincolnshire, UK

Apparently it's my 4th Ninja Birthday....it's also Ninja Week...best give something away I thought...

Well, thanks for waiting folks [emoji3]

So, yes I did think long and hard this year and thought to myself, 'what can I do here that really captures the essence of Ninja week, shows how much I respect my fellow Ninjas and also represents a little of me and my meagre contributions to this wonderful community?' ...no, I really did think all that! [emoji6]

Anyway, taking all that on board there was only one thing really that fitted that billing, so yes my Ninja friends this is indeed my Giveaway offer to you...

Yes, that's right...I'm giving away the very LAST of the world famous Antman's Black Bubble Wrap - officially the best on HDN...no, really there was a vote and everything! [emoji2][emoji3][emoji1]

I know it seems too good to be true, but This Is Serious Mum!

The very last few sheets, all yours...if you win..

How to enter? Well see below...



Entry is very simple here folks - like the thread and....well that's it [emoji7]

Saturday 27th February 00:20
Just 28 likes....anyone would think you lot were thinking there should be something wrapped up inside this bubble wrap...just to protect it like....I don't know...what to do....;)[/B]

Saturday 27th February 14:25
Ok, so I will add a prize into the pot to get things started and an additional prize for every 25 likes this thread gets...no limit [emoji3]

Sunday 1st Match 18:26
As of right now 58 likes = 3 prizes.
The plan is as follows - one winner takes all this year :) rather than choose some random items to give away I will invite the winner to tell me what their interests, whether they collect a specific format and whether they're limited to a particular region - that way I don't send a US gaming steelbook collector a bunch of R2 art house digibooks! ;) hope that sounds like a plan - the actual prizes will remain a mystery until the winner receives them but hopefully they'll go down well!

Entry List :)

1. vurt
2. terry44
3 JoanieMason
4 harry
5 denizen
6 Asopp
7 galareta2332
8 bonakaze
9 Kuzco
10 bigfub
11 chunk
12 Pud1804
13 crossbow
14 meaner
15 GinjaNinja18
16 wyatt03
17 PunkNinja
18 nefilim
19 MrNano
20 severo
21 Paulapips
22 EvilMokey91
23 Ricardo13
25 huggy2k4
26 xxquartzxx
27 Agent_DVD
28 UpsetSmiley
29 elektrickblue
30 YellowCake
31 shadow2351jl
32 mmz41
33 Dexter Skelter
34 adrenaline78
35 phishphan192
37 AlienKing
38 Colombianlove41
39 Nyrvana
40 Towser
41 wayne71
42 j4c0
43 gruff
45 lomadu
46 ScaryHair
47 FanOfGaming
48 Collector03601
49 Marco86
50 MGD
51 davidson
52 Slinchafi
53 TheStixter
54 stinkofdefeat
55 bigballas01
56 SBC28
57 monstar
58 Madness
59 rj531
60 charleybusko
61 Paperinukke
62 Flloydo

63 dan8885
64 Blusteel2012

AND THE WINNER IS!!!..................................

wyatt03!! Congratulations :)

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Ohhhhh yeah baby!!! I'm really loving Ninja week and I'm so happy to have won the Black bubble wrap.......... Oh and the extra items as well [emoji6]

Thanks Ant for this super giveaway, I can't wait to see what I get ooohhh it's so exciting!!
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