[WINNER CHOSEN] Iron Man SteelBook and Thor 1 & 2 Giveaway

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

Thor 1 and 2 brand new
Iron Man blufans steelbook new

What is your favorite Marvel movie and what is your favorite Marvel character?
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My favorite Marvel Movie is definitely Iron Man
My favorite Marvel character would be Deadpool!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! :thumbs:
Guardians Of The Galaxy is my favourite as it nailed the comedy & outlaw camaraderie. I have high hopes for vol. 2
My favourite character is Iron Man. He gets all the best lines.
thanks Wreck!

I think my favorite movie might be Doctor Strange or Iron Man

the character is hands down Domino
I would say Iron Man, but my favorite movies are the Captan America movies. I`m very excited about the Thor Ragnarok, and of course the Infinity War....
Captain America is my favourite character and The First Avenger the best film as I loved the premise, the plot and backdrop of the era.
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