(WINNER CHOSEN) JAWS FINATIC'S Ninja Membership Giveaway

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jaws finatic

Premium Supporter
Mar 6, 2013
Downeast Maine
WINNER CHOSEN: @metal hunter

Okay folks! We all know there are numerous shows, movies, etc that feature a duo of some sort. Much like

Not to be outdone in history, we also now have this masterful duo: Me, and whoever wins this giveaway! Because my Ninja brethren, we are going in together!!! Forever linked by the sensation and excitement that IS NinjaWeek!!!

And what do you have to do to win this most excellent membership? Thank or Thumbs up this post, and then simply post a picture below of your own personal favorite TV, Comic, Cartoon, or Movie duo, and state why they are your favorite!!

Best of luck to everyone who enters!! Giveaway lasts all week, and at the end of it you'll be privy to ALL THINGS NINJA, and not just the freebie community boards!!!

Rock and Roll, my Ninja brothers and sisters.
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Great giveaway! Thanks mate!

Laurel and Hardy, timeless and still make me laugh to this day. When I was a teacher I put a short video of theirs on for the kids in my class and despite it being in black and white the kids absolutely fell about laughing!
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